Julia Cameron coined the Artist Date as a weekly solo adventure that nourishes one’s creative spark.

Although I love encouraging activities like museums, bookstores, art galleries, cafes, live music, tea salons, parks, and gardens, now it’s all about Artist Dates at home which is lovely, too.

Ideas to get you started:

Create in your journal
Virtually visit museums and national parks
Design a vision board on Pinterest
Try a new recipe
Set up a creative space
Learn origami
Make your own blend of tea 🍡
Try a different type of movement class
Plant a garden 🌱 (windowsills count)
Set up an altar
Make jewelry
Bake a cake πŸŽ‚
Virtually visit to the Paris Opera house
Play in a coloring book
Knit or crochet a scarf
Write a poem πŸ“
Bake banana bread
Watch a creative documentary
Pen snail mail love notes πŸ’Œ
Shop your closet and create new looks πŸ‘—
Take an online class πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ’»
Do a puzzle
Create DIY bath products πŸ›
Make a playlist 🎢

Need more inspiration?

Crafting during the pandemic
12 classes to nurture your mind, body, and soul
12 ideas for writing through the pandemic
Free online learning from Paris

What’s ONE thing you can try this weekend to nurture your creative side? Bisous x