HTC: December 13, 2005
Intro: Welcome to the eleventh edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle. Back in the Pink Palace, Washington, DC.
Today’s podcast is on the top 5 things I’ve learned from my pug, Louis, along with the pose of the podcast, and more fabulous podsafe music! View our shownotes at
1. Every day is exciting!
2. A little love goes a long way.
3. Ask for what you want.
4. Take naps.
5. Mark your territory.
Pose of the Podcast: Standing forward fold
Share your thoughts with me at and visit and for additional sources of inspiration.
Closing track: Always the Same by Sunburn in Cypress, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network.
Thanks for joining me for the eleventh edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste.