Detox: Day 7

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Beyond nutrition, beauty is fed with your breath, your thoughts, and the way you sleep, move, feel, and even digest.—From Eat Pretty by Jolene Hart

We did it! Today is the final day of our 7-day detox.

While I definitely had some missteps {hello vegan ginger scones from Teaism}, I drank green smoothies, ate rice and steamed veggies, consumed salads, drank hot water with lemon, savored soaks in the tub, went to ballet and yoga classes, ate mostly unprocessed foods, and wrote in my journal.

Most of these practices are fairly typical for me. However, I’ll often succumb to the bakery across the street from my office or add a sweet treat to a meal and this week I made a conscious effort {despite a couple breakdowns} to stay on track.

Although I must confess, since last night I’ve had visions of consuming a large vegan pizza in celebration tonight.

Overall I definitely feel lighter, I was only hungry midday when I hadn’t filled my belly with enough snacks such as honeycrisp apple slices with all-natural crunchy peanut butter, raw almonds, or kale chips.

After tonight’s pizza {don’t judge}, I plan to use this momentum to take me into spring with more awareness and discipline to fill my body with beautiful, fresh, unprocessed fuel.

We’ve already started our spring cleaning {internally} and now let’s welcome the blooms that are sure to follow! Healthier habits, less inflammation, happy belly, less harm to the environment, glowing skin, more energy, fewer mood swings {darn sugar}, less suffering of animals.

Thanks for joining me for a meal, a day, a few days, or the full detox. I hope you, too, have found this reset enlightening. Bisous. x