A Weekend Out West

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Swing sets lure me like a moth to a flame

12093620_1049400405092523_1617234204_nNature’s canvas


Powell’s books makes me swoon


A worthy motto


Tea time with a former Tranquil Space teacher


Thursday afternoon I dropped sweet anxiety-ridden Mookie at daycare, hopped in an Uber, and headed to the airport en route to Portland. Many hours and time zones later, I arrived feeling a bit woozy as there was one more 50-minute jaunt to the Resort at the Mountain near Mt. Hood.

Nearly 15 months ago Tim and I signed up for Pioneer Nation–a creative entrepreneur pow-wow of sorts. And last weekend was the adventure.

Although I have a notebook filled with ideas, my biggest takeaways include:

  • push beyond my comfort zone. When asked to share a 60-second story with the attendees of when I knew my business would make it, I hesitated. After a couple cookies {comfort} and a good swing {top pic}, I decided to do it.
  • soak in the fresh fragrant air. The earthy, woodsy, dusky and delicious smell of the woods.
  • never pass up a swing set. It always makes me smile from ear to ear.
  • create a solution that solves a pain. Tranquility is something that we all crave.
  • find your why.
  • reflect on where you’re least effective and wasting time.
  • explore leaks in energy management. Create systems to avoid fatiguing your decision-making muscle.
  • reflect on where you want to be in 10 years.
  • vulnerability is sexy. Ash Beckham says everyone is in the closet for something. Share the awkward parts of yourself {like my candy corn problem shared via the fall seasonal podcast}.
  • how to host webinars. I hope to add these shortly!
  • spend time with girlfriends. We returned to Portland Sunday and I had three dates plus a solo excursion to Powell’s. Confession: I’m now the proud owner of four new books. #stopmebeforeibuymorebooks
  • Tim’s new nephew Connor is a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e.
  • Sip lots of tea. I found the most amazing tea at Townshend’s = Rose Peony, a white tea that tastes and smells like perfume.
  • Wear perfume. While reading Big Magic, I came across this Coco Chanel quote: “A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.”

I’m in DC for a few days to see clients and hold the new Daybook in my hands {video forthcoming}. Then we’re off to Tuscany with Mary Catherine Starr to co-host Art + Asana.

Mama Wilson is coming to town for 10 days to watch our three boys so that Mookie has a buddy. Sweet thing suffers from severe separation anxiety, but survived his first weekend boarding experience with B+ report cards!

My mind is full, my body is tired, and my heart is open. I’m looking forward to exploring some of the ideas and questions above over the next few months and would love to have you along for this ongoing journey.

May your week be joyful. Find a swing set. Sip rose tea. Escape your comfort zone. Reflect. Be authentically and eccentrically you. Bisous. x