ephemera packet stuffed full of art journaling + creative goodies
it’s been a bit since i did a giveaway and it feels like this holiday weekend is the perfect time.
while reading in bed all morning with my journal and teal marker in hand, i listed many dreams and ideas that needed focus. i’ll save the deeper focus for another time, i must prep for yin yoga and my train ride to west virginia after all. read: procrastination.
two things that continue to come up for me is a desire to create:
1. an on-demand e-course that you can start at anytime
2. an e-book with watercolor illustrations and an mp3 of me reading the book included
challenge: getting started. always, right?
in the artist’s way every day (a perf gift from mama wilson), julia cameron reminds us “we’ve all heard that the unexamined life is not worth living, but consider too that the unlived life is not worth examining. the success of creative recovery hinges on our ability to move out of the head and into action.” wow! great kick in the pants for us creative dreamers.
so, in my desire to stop writing the above items as weekly, monthly goals and take action, i thought YOU would be the best to give feedback on the above action items.
to enter the giveaway for the ephemera packet stuffed full of art journaling and creative goodies, please respond in the comment section by wednesday, june 1 with:
1. what you’d like to see as my third e-course (accessible at anytime = new format, super helpful if previous e-course participants) AND
2. what you’d like to see addressed in an e-book (going deeper on topics from hip tranquil chick and/or tranquilista, one topic in particular, new focus i’ve missed before? super helpful if book readers).
one lucky winner will be chosen randomly and announced on wednesday. plans for the e-course and e-book will be announced this summer.
merci beaucoup for being an ongoing part of my journey. i’m honored. and extremely grateful.
bisous. x