Happy All Saints’ Day: Pen Nov Dreams

love notes
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Bonjour from the Pink Palace. Sunlight is dancing through the garden’s trees, Mookie is snoring, and I’m savoring a slow start with a cuppa ginger tea.

Last night while many were trick-or-treating, I was penning my November dreams. I know, I know, I never was the cool kid. Above is a photo of what I created using a paper envelope from Flow magazine.

October’s travel shifted my routine and left me feeling unbalanced, so there is a big focus around creativity and overall self-care.

In addition, I’ve started using meditation apps {Mindfulness, Headspace, Insight Timer} to track my sits. Seeing data is sure to help keep me accountable.

This month officially launches us into holiday season. Take a moment to reflect on how you want to show up. Note priorities, values, and feelings. Gather a Sharpie, washi tape, and ephemera.

Think about how you want to feel at the end of this month and what you want to have experienced. Put it in writing. Yep, with a permanent marker.

In addition to penning November dreams, I did dress up poor Mookie in various looks. He clearly loved it! Sigh.


Next up, writing and making vegan pumpkin scones for tonight’s writing group. I’ll post photos on Instagram. Wish me luck, I’m not much in the kitchen.

May your November be filled with gratitude, love, and freshly baked treats. Bisous. x