saturday in pictures

love notes
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 nathalia + louis at farm sanctuary’s walk for farm animals
 the whole family (louis’ attached to the leash)

 le pug, le beau, heather + missy
 steven, nathalia, heather, moi, le pug, le beau

 big pig + lil pig + yes, i squealed with delight
 lil pig during yoga. can’t take it.
 festive set up for arlington’s 5-year fête
  festive set up for arlington’s 5-year fête

 cOMmunity class 
 festive set up of TranquiliT for arlington’s 5-year fête
 all smiles with dj/manager marq + teacher/studio director mary catherine

cOMmunity class magic
sunday = writing with le pug on lap, patchouli incense burning + pink thermos o’ jasmine tea within reach. may your day be filled with a sprinkling of your favorite things. 
bisous. x