image courtesy of apartment therapy
bonjour monday. bonjour week of comp exams (that i’ve been nervous about for 8 months). bonjour sunshine. bonjour final days of internship and spring semester. bonjour upcoming teaching in montreal + return trip to oklahoma. bonjour securing final deets on paris + provence art + yoga retreat. bonjour dream of buying a vintage airstream like the image above.
my shoulders are feeling lighter and my heart is feeling open despite my head being in the sand about the need to study, study, study for friday’s exam. somehow knowing that dreams are in the works helps the heaviness feel less, well, heavy.
after launching two collections, taking 5 classes, interning 16 hours a week, and overseeing my babies continuously (aka businesses + non-profit) for the past 8 months, i’m beginning to feel a shift in spirit as the semester winds down. last week’s post and this weekend’s play (saw bill cunningham new york, found the perf villa in provence, researched vintage airstreams, browsed magazines, pondered living in provence for a month, dreamed of betsey johnson’s apartment) helped crystallize what we all already know. dreaming. is. important.
forcing dreaming isn’t possible. it’s like forcing a bulb to bloom. plant it and let it happen organically. there has to be a lightness of being or a complete disregard for to-dos in the moment to bask in dreaming. here are some tips to indulge in a little of your own:
1. be well-rested (my dreaming came after 14 hours of slumber) with heaps of tea nearby
2. clear space (in calendar, organize clutter, set aside to-dos) and turn on inspiring tunes
3. sit down to a table surrounded by colorful pens, magazines, a blank journal, wifi, ribbon or anything that helps fuel your creative spark
4. notice what pulls you: a desire for more color, less stuff, a healthier being, a fit body, a mindful spirit, a creative business, travel
5. look for ways to fulfill the desires. art journal. collage. plan. look online for ideas.
6. let your imagination soar
sometimes we need a dash of dreaming sprinkled into our continuous doing. try it. your spirit will thank you. and spring is the perfect time.
let’s dream. bisous. x