into the woods

love notes
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“I went into the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” – Thoreau

bonjour from the woods. le beau, le pug + moi headed out to the woods for our final hurrah of summer. next week is back to school and the start of my 20-hour/week internship at amtrak’s employee assistance program . . . so the clock is ticking. when we arrived this afternoon i immediately noshed on freshly made guacamole and blue corn chips before sitting down to pen my goals for these final days o’ freedom. here’s my (slightly aggressive) hope-to-handle-with-fingers-crossed-list during my time in the woods and remaining moments of summertime:


pics to web designer, tranquility du jour museletter, TranquiliT pop up shop blog button, 2-4 tranquilologie chapters, 3-5 mentoring sessions, tranquilista lifestyle e-course wrap up podcast, france retreat confirms, tranquilologie print book plans, more silent auction items for pigs event, visit pigs sanctuary, order printsgram postcards, learn evernote, set up fall podcast interviews. oh, yes, and nest, nap, read, watch documentaries, and make art with doses of self-care woven in!


after tonight’s mentoring session, i nestled onto the couch to watch a tiny house documentary. love learning more about this amazing minimalist movement. as a lover of tiny home living (j’adore my 600 sq ft pink “palace”), it’s inspiring to see how creatively others are living in 100 sq ft! 


the above quote by thoreau is such a beautiful reminder regarding how to live our lives. do you feel like you’re living yours or going through the motions?  some days it may feel conscious. some days it may feel routine. the goal is to lean toward more days of consciousness. so i ask you, dear reader, how can your final days of summer be lived fully, beautifully, and in alignment with your dreams? bisous. x