spring online book club pick

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i hope you enjoyed your winter pick, the power of habits. as we prepare to bloom this spring, i’m over the moon to announce my spring pick, the now effect. oh, and the cover matches my new easter mani (win-win!). 
in all seriousness, elisha presented an amazing workshop at the psychotherapy conference i attended last week and is the co-author of the workbook i’ve been using for the mindfulness-based stress reduction class. 
oh, and a cherry on top, i just interviewed him for the mindfulness e-course launching sunday and it was such an insightful discussion that i’ll also be releasing it via sunday’s bi-monthly podcast. yep, it’s that good!
here’s more skinny on our featured author:

as victor frankl stated, “between stimulus and response, there is a space. in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. in our response lies our growth and freedom.” that’s what this book is all about. ommmm.
ready to dive into the text? i am! i picked it up last week at the conference and once the mindfulness e-course launches (my energy focus at this moment), i can’t wait to consume this book. join moi, won’t you? may we truly treasure this moment. happy spring reading. bisous. x
mani + book love
reminder: to participate in our online book club, simply click the book image on the far right of the blog to share your thoughts, challenges, and insights regarding our chosen read. thank you for reading along