pondering philosophical (+ fancy) tattoo

love notes
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in may 1995 after graduation from university, i road tripped to chicago with a girlfriend to visit a dear friend from childhood. we were about to jaunt off to europe for 3 months of backpacking and i had my heart set on getting a mary engelbreit sunflower tattoo on my belly. and that i did. 
i’ve pondered another over the years, but never felt the perfect fit. until now. i’m thinking lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu in fancy, feminine cursive inside my upper arm. translation: may all beings everywhere be happy and free. may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. 
while googling for images of tattoos in this location, i found the awesome image above of lady gaga getting a rilke quote tattoo that i had to share. such a tranquil image of an oh-so-intense experience.
as you may know, i’m obsessed with the mantra mentioned above – particularly the notion of thoughts, words, and actions contributing to the happiness and freedom of all (especially piggies). 
contemplating making the appointment. promise to document the journey when i do.
any favorite tattoos? words of wisdom on the experience?
namaste. x