random updates o’ love

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





i love the above quote by lincoln. it’s the perfect reminder to give what we do our very best. i’m currently reading stephen cope’s new book, the great work of your life: a guide for the journey to your true calling, and appreciate the opportunity to learn about frost, susan b. anthony, whitman, jane goodall, and others who created great work. as gandhi stated, “my life is our message.” and per lincoln, make it a good one.

bonjour from bed in the woods. i’m in the same leopard print leggings and 2in1 fitted top that i arrived in friday night. sigh. i’ve been battling some critter since last sunday that began as a sore throat and am finally admitting defeat by curling up in bed with tech toys, le pug, tea, and books.

this year has been filled with sickness and sometimes it’s been hard to distinguish grief from actual illness. from the mono diagnosis before my france retreats to numerous cold-like symptoms to achy and exhausted feelings. overall i feel healthy, but days like this prove otherwise. before i curl up for a nap, i wanted to pen a few random updates:

  • i’m learning heaps at my internship and grateful for the opportunity to practice being a beginner among such kind people. and i can finally see graduation in may. here’s what i plan to do with the degree.
  • my mindfulness studies continue to help me open my eyes to new possibilities while creating space.
  • i leave for india on thursday and will be sure to share heaps of colorful pictures from my 10 days abroad.
  • i’ve been busily working on two projects for the past few months and hope to announce one later today. fingers crossed.
  • booked a trip home to oklahoma to spend time with family for the 1-year anniversary of my gramma’s death in february. still feels surreal.
  • i was lucky enough to nosh on salad, breadsticks, pasta, and cake at my fave restaurant *twice* this week. yum!
  • yesterday i began looking for a tiny, light-filled paris apartment to rent next summer on airbnb. after all, you only turn 40 once. ooh la la!
  • i owe a “happy 8 years tranquility du jour” post. we turned 8 in october and here’s the very first blog post written. we’ve come a long way, baby!
  • only one month left on the tranquilologie e-course. i have SO loved sharing the 8 tips for each month of 2012, seeing your connections on our FB group, and hearing your takeaways. thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • so very excited to see the new lincoln movie. i’ve always had a professional crush on lincoln.
  • the new kimberlywilson.com continues to be tweaked and finalized. fingers crossed for a launch by the end of the year. i hope you will love to updated look.
  • i’m filled with gratitude for our sweet online community of ladies (and a few rock star men). s’il vous plaît connect via our facebook page, twitter, instagram, email, snail mail and via comments below. i love, love, love hearing from you. oh, and fab podcast coming later today! 
  • struggling to perfect granny squares. any suggestions? i know, i know, keep trying. practice makes perfect . . . but mine look like granny circles. insert pouting.

wishing you a beautiful sunday filled with smiles, cuddly blankets, pet snores, and hot tea. bisous. x

image courtesy of derek goodwin
turkeys are beautiful beings