Spring’s Online Book Club Pick

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betterthanbeforeJust announced on our Tranquilosophy Seasonal Podcast, it’s time to share our spring online book club pick far and wide.

Suggested by Sheri {merci!} and finalized by moi, we’re going with Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin.

After hibernating, nesting, and tidying this winter {with help from winter’s book club pick}, let’s turn to blooming by spring cleaning our habits. My hope is that this this book will help us find our way.

Is there a specific habit you’re hoping to change? Lord knows I have a few! This process begins with self-awareness and I’m looking forward to the journey with you.

May our habits, hearts, and health bloom in many ways this season.

Savvy Sources:
Author’s website
Gretchen’s Podcast
New York Times article
Interview on the Accidental Creative Podcast

Reminder: To participate in our online book club, share thoughts, challenges, and insights about our chosen read in the comments section below.  

Merci for reading along. Find moi reading with you on Goodreads, too. Bisous. x