Summer Seasonal Podcast

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A BIG thank you for tuning in Monday for the Summer Seasonal Podcast. We had a global group from the US, Argentina, France, Canada, the UK, and Australia. Loved having you with us!

Enjoy these images created from podcast participants spotted via social media. J’adore!

If you missed this quarterly live offering, the mp3 is available for download {$10}.

Thanks again for tuning in and s‘il vous plaît save the date for our Fall Seasonal Podcast on Monday, September 21 at 3pmET. Wishing you heaps of happiness and sunshine this summer.


1. How do I join the live podcast?

Super duper easy. Call {yep, with a real phone or Skype} 712.432.3066 and enter the conference code 229226. Yes, same information for all countries. We typically have a global audience.

2. I can’t join live 3pm ET, can you offer it at another time to fit my schedule?

Ah, scheduling! This complimentary live event is offered four times a year and I’ve found 3pm ET to be my sweet spot that also accommodates others around the globe. If you can’t join us live, we do offer the recorded mp3 within a few hours of the event and these can be found on our digital page.

3. I purchased the mp3, but haven’t received it. Help!

This process is automated, so the file is automatically delivered to the email address you purchased it from. However, if technology doesn’t work in our favor, please don’t panic. Check your spam folder and, if it isn’t there, simply send us an email. We’ll get you the mp3 via another mode at our earliest convenience. We kindly request 24 hours, although it is typically within a few hours. We are not always in front of the computer, so your patience is greatly appreciated.


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