Tranquility du Jour #360: Year in Review

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Year in Review musings by moi. Hear the final essay from this year’s 52 Weeks of Tranquility, my reflections on 2015, and my biggest lesson learned this year.

Year in review

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partyI’m a writer, therapist, designer of the eco-friendly TranquiliT lifestyle line, and founder of Tranquil Space—named among the top 25 yoga studios in the world. I dream of Paris and global animal welfare.

You’ll often find me sipping fragrant tea, practicing yoga on a leopard-print mat, or leading retreats around the world. My work has been featured in US News & World Reports, Washingtonian, Fast Company, and Yoga Journal.

I live in the petite Pink Palace in Washington, D.C. with a rescue kitty, a rescue pug, and a non-rescued beau. Indulge in “tranquilosophy” via my blog and podcast, Tranquility du Jour.

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