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Bonjour. Welcome to the 172nd edition of Tranquility du Jour: A Guide to Bringing Tranquility to your Every Day. Today’s show features happenings and musings on tranquiliTEA with Numi Tea co-founder Reem Rahim.
Tranquilista Lifestyle: Joie de Vivre: Join me for a 6-week ecourse focusing on the main modules outlined in Tranquilista. Our six sessions will highlight ways to shape your world with spirituality, do-gooding, creativity, style, and entrepreneurship. Launches March 24.

As Chief Marketing Officer at Numi, Reem Rahim heads all marketing efforts including all package design. After earning her B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University, Reem switched gears and went on to pursue a Diploma d’Arte in Drawing and Painting from Lorenzo di Medici Art Institute in Florence, Italy and then a Masters in Fine Arts from John F. Kennedy. Reem’s hand paints all the original paintings inspired by her brother and co-founder’s photography that grace Numi’s packaging. Along with her brother, Ahmed, Reem is a chief contributor and co-creator of Numi’s green and sustainable values. Including the initiation of Numi’s non-profit organization and the social and environmental causes it supports. Reem continues to create art in her studio in Oakland, California and is fluent in English, Italian, Spanish, and Arabic.
Savvy Sources:
Website: numitea.com
Twitter: Twitter.com/numitea
Facebook: Facebook.com/numitea
Challenge: Send moi photos of you getting your artist date on and I’ll share them with our readers. The most creative artist date photo/write up received by March 21 (the spring equinox) will receive a complimentary mentoring session. Create away + do share!
Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Auralei by Artemis. You can learn more about Artemis at artemis.fm.
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