Welcome to the 222nd edition of Tranquility du Jour. Today’s show features upcOMing happenings and Idea Mapping with Jamie Nast.
Featured Tranquilista: Jamie Nast

Jamie’s first book Idea Mapping: How to Access Your Hidden Brain Power, Learn Faster, Remember More, and Achieve Success in Business (published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) was released September 20, 2006. It is currently being sold around the globe and is either translated or being translated into Arabic, Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Japanese, and Korean. This book combines her real-world business experience with her teaching and Idea Mapping skills. Using her unique, results-oriented coaching strategies, she brings her workshop right to the reader. Jamie was published in the October 1996 issue of Personal Excellence, was a guest on VoiceAmerica.com in February 2004, and had a column featured in Purdue University’s Krannert Magazine in November 2006. In January 2007 she was a guest on both the Rolanda Watts Show (Hollywood, CA) and A Closer Look hosted by Leslie Stone of Summit City Radio (Ft. Wayne, IN). She was a guest on BCTV’s Michigan Entrepreneur Show in both July and September of 2007.
Savvy Sources:
Jamie’s website: Idea Mapping Success
Idea Mapping blog
Jamie’s book: Idea Mapping
Follow Jaime on Twitter
Craft your own idea map this week.
Signature Style: TranquiliT is a line of layers in rayon made from organic bamboo. We are locally sewn and plant 150 trees each month while also donating a portion of proceeds to Nest and Tranquil Space Foundation. Featured item: hoodie tunic. J’adore!
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Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Feel So Good by Lovespirals. You can learn more about their music at lovespirals.com.
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