Tranquility du Jour #329: 2015 Dreams

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Welcome to the 329th edition of Tranquility du Jour. Today’s show features moi on Tranquility du Jour 2015 Dreams. You’ll learn about my plans for the blog, podcast, and more.

 Direct download: tranquility du jour #329: 2015 dreams


Featured Guest:

Kimberly Wilson is an author, artist, and activist. She lives in Washington, DC and dreams of Paris.

Tranquility du Jour Dreams:

  1. 52 Weeks of Tranquility
  2. VIP Days
  3. New website
  4. Book proposal
  5. Build community
  6. Launch microcourses
  7. Release cute Tranquility du Jour items such as totes and tees {pig and lifestyle tee mentioned}
  8. Offer inspiring retreats: West Virginia, Costa Rica, Paris, Italy, West Virginia
  9. Bi-monthly podcasts
  10. 2-3 weekly blog posts
  11. Get Anthology and Daybook into more hands
  12. Release Tranquilologie softcover
  13. Implement an editorial calendar

Have an idea for something you’d like? Request for more or less of something? Share in the comments below or email kimberly {at} kimberlywilson {dot} com.

Personal Dreams:

{described further here}

  1. Be present.
  2. Single-task.
  3. Digital time off.
  4. Use Evernote.
  5. Pen 52 Weeks of Tranquility.
  6. Launch VIP Days.
  7. Regular creativity.
  8. Regular sits on the cushion.
  9. Date nights.
  10. Daily movement.
  11. Clarify business goals.
  12. Pare down to the essentials.
  13. Surround myself with beauty.
  14. Family time.
  15. Advocate for the animals.
Savvy Sources:

A BIG thank you for your support of my latest creative babies: Anthology and Daybook. Pen an Anthology review on Amazon or Goodreads or snap a picture and share on social media, send moi the link and your snail mail addy, and I’ll get a love note out to you. Snail mail is the new black.

Stay Au Courant:

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