Tranquility du Jour #336: Women Entrepreneur Revolution

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Bonjour. Welcome to the 336th edition of Tranquility du Jour: Women Entrepreneur Revolution. Today’s show features author and entrepreneur Jenn Aubert. Be inspired by her shifting entrepreneurial journey and discover how 100+ women {including moi} created successful businesses and meaningful lives.




rsz_rsz_jenn31_squaredFeatured Guest: Jenn Aubert is an author and entrepreneur.  Her first book Women Entrepreneur Revolution: Ready! Set! Launch! (Balboa Press, 2014) explores the mindset, motivation and behaviors of successful female entrepreneurs and the role models in their lives who have influenced them. She is also the Co-founder and CEO of LearnSavvy, an online education marketplace and community for women business owners. Personally, she adores inspirational quotes, all things French (yes, that does include wine), Deepak Chopra and a comfy pair of ballet flats. She has recently relocated to Portland, OR with her husband and adorable son and is spending her free time exploring everything this new city has to offer.

Savvy Sources:


A new feature to answer your questions and/or comments received via email or social media.

Jane: Oh, I forgot to mention. As I was painting this afternoon, I was listening to your latest podcast and I would love to see some mini video offerings Kimberly. I always look forward to watching your videos and come back to them too. Great guest also and very timely as I’m reading Sweet Poison currently. Take care.

Denise: I was so saddened to hear of the news. Louis will be missed dearly. I remember coming to your first retreat at the cabin after telling you I wanted to meet Louis and he was one of the reasons I came. I had my car door open as I was talking to you and didn’t notice Louis had jumped in and shut the door. You started looking for him and the next thing we see is his sweet face looking out the driver’s side window at us. I was embarrassed to say the least. Sending lots of hugs your way.

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