ecochic award video + sad studies muse

love notes
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above is my acceptance speech from the eco-chic awards. it begins with laughter as i had just “thanked the academy.” my shout-out was to the lovely beau, joanna lo, and eden defendini who have been so helpful with TranquiliT and were in the audience. truth be told, i didn’t realize i was the winner! i read the program wrong and somehow assumed i was the runner-up. when i sat back in my chair and was told “congrats,” i was confused. i went from being a “rising star” to the “rising star.” somehow i didn’t grasp that that meant i won. nonetheless, i was overjoyed when it hit! even more so since i didn’t get it at first. ahhhhh.

studying, studying, studying. after a night of not-so-tranquil sleep thanks to a cold or ungodly allergies, i started my day off with a health-filled bang. i curled up with green tea topped with lavender honey from provence, green smoothie (a little too green due to an abundance of alfalfa sprouts), candles, textbooks and notes from this past semester . . . in bed. i’ve been at it for a few hours now – with many hours to go – and am wondering if i’m just too old for this stuff. sure i was good at studying during my college days – even my first master’s program – but i’m not feeling so solid anymore. do we lose our ability to be “book smart” as we get older? maybe some of us? i’ll have to do some online research on this one!

alas, i’ll keep at it and hope to get through tomorrow night’s exam with colors. i do *love* the topic – abnormal psychology. now, statistics, that’s a whole different story. i can’t finish that class quickly enough. boo.

may the good study goddess shine goodwill upon moi and anyone else in the midst of finals. the harder this is for me, the more i want it. yet another challenge on this journey called life.
