tranquilosophy: shifts

love notes
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my toile-infused hotel room
bonjour from new york where i’m attending a conference on our studio’s software. before leaving the hotel this morning, i snapped the above pic of the soft, cozy, toile-infused bed. there is something so luxurious about simple pleasures.
over the past two months i’ve felt tiny shifts within. although i can’t put my finger on what exactly, change is happening. and there is a palpable stir occurring deep inside.
it began when plans were put on hold while waiting for details on social work licensing changes. although the wait continues, i find myself pondering next steps on many levels. deeper ones.
the word deep really resonates. i’m seeking much more depth. exploring ways to offer much more depth. reading all i can get my hands on. and diving further into mindfulness practices.
and maybe that’s why i’m drawn to crafting a memoir. 
my writing has been focused on the courses i’m taking to help suss out the arc of the story. 
although you’ll continue to find regular inspiration here and in love notes, there may be shifts in frequency as i take a step back to reflect, go deeper, and update this blog and my website to offer you more . . . tranquility. in a meaningful way.

stay tuned as the shifts unfold before you. and me. in real time.

pay attention to the stirrings within. they have so much to teach us. if only we slowed down to listen. deeply. bisous. x