dearest readers:
happiest of thursdays to you. we’re four days into april and finally beginning to see more and more pops of color in dc. not yet cherry blossom blooms, but they are right around the corner and i can’t wait. such a beautiful time to be in dc!
during my lunch break at internship yesterday, i realized we were in a whole new month and i hadn’t yet penned my month’s dreams. {gasp!} i took a few moments, pulled out my beloved felt tip papermate, and went to town. since completing my mindfulness e-course launch, i’ve been doing lots of yoga, nursing my right shoulder tweak {ouch!}, and feeling a bit scattered with varied priorities. journaling always helps to tie it together.
in between internship and yoga yesterday, i stopped at starbucks for some sacred time alone with my journal. there are three weeks left of internship, four weeks left of school, six weeks left until a silent retreat followed by six weeks in paris, and twelve weeks until i’m . . . 40! so many doors closing, followed by new doors opening.
as life begins to shift from closing the door on my social work graduate studies toward pursuing 3,000 hours for licensure, i’m ready for the change. although i’ve struggled with the transition, the unknowns, and the what’s next for months now {in similar fashion to a pink-clothed toddler on her back kicking and pounding fists while organza flies}, i’m open to the organic flow of it all. deep breaths.
le beau and moi have a BIG announcement to share on the april 14 podcast so be sure to tune in. non, i’m not with child. well, maybe an “idea child” donning a huge fluffy pink tutu and squealing with glee. stay tuned.
have you penned your april dreams yet? what lies ahead for your first full month of spring? are you, too, experiencing transition? it’s a scary and exciting time. we’re always changing. sometimes we bloom early. sometimes late. just like the cherry blossoms. bisous. x