A Peek at Paris + Gratitude

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11380128_955007244561441_1264510707_nWriting time in Luxembourg Garden

11386455_1616541721957890_2092603487_nSeine crossing

11410696_841046385972845_70205335_nSidewalk cafes

Paris is a place in which we can forget ourselves, reinvent, expunge the dead weight of our past.—Michael Simkins

Following a 7-hour jaunt across the Atlantic, the plane touched down Friday morning and I noticed my body soften. I was once again in Paris—a sensory-filled seduction.

With the Penning in Paris retreat to start in a few days, I was determined to get acclimated to my new time zone, but couldn’t keep my eyes open past 7pm. I’m kind of in this time zone four days later, but just woke up from an intense nap {you know the kind where you forget who you are and what day it is?}, so possibly not. Still adjusting.

Despite the jet lag, the experience so far is no less magical. From farmers’ market fruit and flowers, to an amazing group of ladies on this writing retreat, to bookstore jaunts, to spending an afternoon with dear friends, to making new ones, to high teas, to a belly full of chocolate mousse and rosé , I am grateful.

11283211_414759028708529_894869830_n Eiffel Tower picnic + writing time

11357473_765012926949678_553633373_nThis shot made me smile

Before I head out for this evening’s excursion to write in the Tuileries, I wanted to thank you, dear readers, for being such an engaged bunch for over the past decade plus.

Today’s writing talk reiterated how precious you are. You’ve given me a voice beyond the four walls of my beloved DC yoga studio. I’ve known you to mourn during painful losses, celebrate next steps, and appreciate simple pleasures with me along the way.

And for that, I am eternally grateful. An online community is a special thing and you allow me to show up {sparkles and flaws and all} just as I am. What a gift. May you know that it’s a great honor to have your attention in this very busy world. Bisous. x

11357991_353579474841417_2039192862_nAriana of Paris to Go shared her blogging story on Seine steps

11378337_672826212849131_1073987446_nTea time at Angelina’s

11378535_1095497477134315_1620333186_nTim + moi enthralled with the pink fleurs

11378722_720037528105944_9454827_nYoga time in Luxembourg Garden

11282810_501809166633557_831547610_nFarmers’ market brunch