bonjour from the windy and very chilly city. i’m donning the exact same thing i wore yesterday for my train jaunt to and from chicago while penning prose in a hotel lobby. despite the lack of preparedness, it looks like i may be here a few days due to sweet sandy making her move on the east coast. brought heaps to read and write so i’m ready for delays despite my tiny carry on and lack of additional clothes. sadly, i decided to leave my crocheting and embroidery at the last minute as i didn’t want to tote it around the city. now i wish i had it. hmm, may just have to hit some crafty stores while i’m here.
first jaunt is to see sweet kristin at pelle sana salon. then vegan noshing or indulging in a yoga practice with her. the rest will unfold with time while we await instructions on our return jaunt to dc. may be tuesday or wednesday. sigh. nothing like living in the moment while semi unprepared in the windy city. ah, the practice of non-attachment and mindfulness always come in handy!
bisous. x