week in review

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





consumed heaps {and heaps} of pizza
and oodles of gelato

my new parfum with freshly procured peonies
our literary tour guide david burke, author of writers in paris
another peek at the beloved eiffel tower

TranquiliT sale on sunday

week in review
5-day non-fiction writing class at the american university in paris
evenings of writing class homework
enjoyed a literary walking tour in the latin quarter
released eric maisel podcast on making your creative mark
jaunt to lake como, italy
enjoyed belly laughs + naps with pal baby b in italy
ate many, many pizzas + consumed lots of gelato
attended wine + cheese pairing
picked up fresh peonies
jaunt to bob’s kitchen for a green juice + yummy salad
planted 500 trees in haiti through trees for the future
ordered three prints for TranquiliT fall collection samples
procured more gifts to bring home to loved ones
sent invites to tranquil space teachers for a macaron-fueled tea party chez moi 
set up 40% off TranquiliT sale for my 40th on sunday {code BIRTHDAY}
savored journal writing + reading at sidewalk cafes
mailed love notes
read more of savor + the big enough company
jaunt to whsmith bookstore
tranquilologie design feedback {it’s darling!}

weekend wish list
turn 40 in a meaningful way
announce paris 2014 retreat registration
final tea date with maite at odette
art journal
sip tea
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list?
bisous. x