wednesday well-being

love notes
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bonjour beloved you. i hope your hump day is off to a delightful start. 
after 3 hours of teacher auditions yesterday and 5 hours coming up today, i feel parts of my body i didn’t know were there. well hello random upper left arm muscle! so lovely to see teacher trainees come into their own.
while we all know the importance of daily exercise and smart eating to enhance well-being, i wanted to share something i’ve been dabbling in. to get through the random grumpiness of the previous week, i’ve made a conscious effort to ensure sufficient movement each day since and it’s made a lovely difference {although today’s 5 hours may be a few hours more than i bargained for}. 
taking the precious time to move out of our heads and into our bodies is critical for our overall well-being. we know this. but do we practice this religiously? biking to appointments {or ballets at the kennedy center}, hitting the gym for 15 minutes on your own schedule, dropping into a yoga class to coddle your spirit, taking an afternoon stroll around your office building–all of these have the potential to awaken and nurture.
i chose the above photo as a reminder to consciously start your day. it’s an image of a recent start with my pink thermos {always in tow}, daybook {also always in tow}, journal {often in tow}, and a book to inspire {often in tow}. by sitting down with these tranquility tools and offering yourself moments of reflection and organization, your day can get off to a more savory start. while i’m still working on the perfect morning routine, i appreciate the benefits that come from surrounding myself with these few items. 
also, it’s never too late to restart your day. maybe you received upsetting news {big things}, are out of your favorite tea {small things}, or feel an overall sense of malaise. pull out your tranquility tools of choice and restart mid-day. then go for a walk. i promise, it will make a difference. 
wishing you a beautiful wednesday filled with well-being. and in the interim, whip up a green juice {or pick one up, even starbucks has them now} to nurture your insides! you are beautiful. bisous x