a festive evening: happy 10 years tranquil space

love notes
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the energy and celebratory vibe from last night’s exceeded my wildest dreams. yay for live music by ps24, yummy cider, hot herbal tea, vegetarian food, soup from souper girl, yoga demos, and more! here are a few shots from our birthday bash. more photos are available on the tranquil space facebook fan page. thank you for your support!
donned faux leather leggings, i heart TS tee (cut off sleeves and hand sewed the shoulders to ruche), faux fur jacket, sparkly necklace, and sequin beanie. had my hair blown out + curled a la rachel zoe. love feeling girly, sparkly, and celebratory! shared a few words on the evolution of the studio and thanked everyone in the audience considering *they* all made it possible. video forthcoming, along with the tranquil space 10-year documentary that beau pulled together.
yesterday was all about the fete. today i’m off to g-street fabrics for an all-day sewing with knits class. i’ve been wanting to take this class for years but it always fell on a day i was out of town or otherwise committed. taking 10 yards of au naturel bamboo fabric and excited to see what unfolds by the end of the day.
tonight beau, louis the pug, and moi head to the cabin and will savor a stop at my fave eatery . . . the olive garden. love me some prosecco, breadsticks, salad, pasta, and chocolate mousse cake. yum! tomorrow is all about the books: paper to write, presentation prep, quiz to study for, and oodles to read!
wishing each of you a truly festive, flavorful, fun halloween! candied apples, costumes, wigs, playfulness, sugar-coated everything, apple cider, pumpkins, and mums. may today be full of more treats than tricks. xoxo

Kimberly Wilson

A Good Vintage

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