play with paint

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





  this week in provence i’ve been painting these darling fashion postcards that i picked up in paris. they are the perfect size for creative play. nina chakrabarti penned a wonderful book, my wonderful world of fashion: a book for drawing, creating, and dreaming which you may also enjoy. 
sadly, i can only get two images to load right now (provence wifi = memories of dial up) but hope they serve as a colorful source of inspiration for your tuesday.
 tomorrow i’ll be sending out a quick love note + survey link via my newsletter list. the survey is 10 questions for you on how to enhance tranquility du jour. i heart your input! 
sign up at the bottom of to get the inspiration in your in box. also, i’ll be sending an assortment of these handpainted postcard love notes to randomly selected survey responders.
i look forward to your input and thank you for reading, listening, savoring tranquility.
bisous. x