making friends w/ 2013

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 new year’s day practice with jen
 inspiration by julia butterfly hill
 rosebud tea sipping by candlelight at teany
 sparkles found in brooklyn
and more tea sipping (notice a theme?)

drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. live the actual moment. thich nhat hanh

dearest you,
after 9 hours of yoga, an inspiring talk by julia butterfly hill (that will serve as the first podcast of 2013), and travel to and from new york, i’m settling back into life in the pink palace with shifting perspective. what the shift is i’m not fully clear on, but i feel it happening. et toi?
it’s a new year. a fresh start. the chance to recreate our reality. each and every day we have this opportunity, but it feels so ripe at this moment. i’m still exploring my 2013 dreams and shining a conscious light on them. the big themes are mindfulness, activism, simplicity, creativity, and tranquility du jour daybook checklists (watch video). have you narrowed yours down into overarching themes? if not, try it!
while wide awake at the ungodly hour of 2:30am this morning (insert big sigh), i thought of pema chodron’s words around “making friends with yourself” and it felt like the perfect theme for moi right now. i’m slowly dipping my toe into 2013’s chilly water and exploring how it feels before jumping in. at some point i’ll need to jump. head first. hence, making friends with 2013. making friends with change. making friends with the unknown. making friends with the discomfort around all these things. 
i’m also pondering shifts for this blog, tranquility du jour. never fear, not a big overhaul as i know change is unsettling. simply shifts to the weekly columns to challenge myself, serve my readers (you!) better, and open up spaciousness in my daily schedule. again, i’m not clear on what these changes will be, so please bear with moi this month as i dabble, experiment, and explore by making friends with 2013.
stay tuned for what unfolds here. s’il vous plaît let me know if there is something you’d like more or less of within the potpourri of passions that make up tranquility du jour: do-gooding, DIY, yoga, style + tranquility. 2013 is a blank canvas and i’m gingerly pulling out the palette and paints to make it as colorful and tranquil as possible. i look forward to consciously creating it together. 
now it’s time for a soak in the tub by candlelight, a splash of reading, and lights out by 10:30.  bisous. x
p.s. learn my 8 tips of tranquility for a new year, new you on monday’s seasonal podcast.

p.p. s. did you get the end o’ 2012 love note? if not, peruse it now and sign up at the bottom of for seasonal love notes filled with inspiration du jour.