Digital Course

Living Tranquility

Ready to sprinkle tranquil practices
into your every day?

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Give yourself that much-needed

Do you feel like your to-do list is never ending?
Is stress bleeding into your relationships?
Is it hard to connect with the dreams inside of you?


Spend time savoring bite-sized lessons that allow you to reflect, learn, grow, and live the five TDJ Tenets of compassion, mindfulness, creativity, wellness, and style.

So grateful for this course! I had such a strong desire to make changes as I’m in a bit of a transition phase in life but was feeling overwhelmed by where to start. This course was the perfect way to gain some momentum in making changes in a more fun, experimental way. I loved that it was short enough for me to really commit to and incorporate into my life. I appreciated the overview approach for so many of these big topics because it gave me a chance to really notice what aspects of it I was really drawn to, which practices felt really aligned, what I was excited about, etc. Now I have more clarity and confidence about the areas of my life I want to go deeper and which practices and tools will help me along the way! It was also wonderful to learn from Kimberly. She is such a warm, positive, and overall lovely person to connect with and learn from!

— Nicky


The Coterie is everything I hoped for and MORE! The content is sequenced and sorted well, and there is always something new and many surprise additions! This program offers something for everyone — introverts, extroverts, mothers, maidens and crones, special interest groups and accountability partners. Kimberly does an amazing job creating the container, organizing dynamic events, building a library of supporting materials and live content. And the community members do the rest. So supportive. So rich.


A Digital Course to Living Your Tranquility
(formerly named TDJ Lifestyle)

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In this more tranquil version of you, you’re:

✓ blending healthy habits into your busy routine
✓ prioritizing self-care and are kinder to yourself
✓ more present and practicing mindfulness
✓ infusing creativity in your every day
✓ incorporating healthier choices in life
✓ expressing personal style that reflects who you really are
✓ building strong, healthy and nurturing relationships
✓ aligned with your values and are guided by your tranquil tools

Are you ready to feel this way?

If it’s a resounding YES, then let the Living Tranquility digital course be the gentle guide in your journey!

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The e-course was a life-changing experience. I learned a great deal, but the greatest benefit for me was an increased awareness and sense of possibility. In many ways, it refreshed my life. I now have a renewed focus on what is important to me and a determination to make changes and move toward realizing all my dreams.

— Heather


The Coterie is everything I hoped for and MORE! The content is sequenced and sorted well, and there is always something new and many surprise additions! This program offers something for everyone — introverts, extroverts, mothers, maidens and crones, special interest groups and accountability partners. Kimberly does an amazing job creating the container, organizing dynamic events, building a library of supporting materials and live content. And the community members do the rest. So supportive. So rich.

Welcome to the Virtual
TDJ Learning Experience

Filled with practical tools, poetry, how-tos, everyday examples, and gentle guidance, we’ll deep dive into the TDJ Tenets to learn ways to live with more intention, flair, and ease.

✓ express your signature style
✓ design a wellness plan that works for you
✓ manage stress with mindfulness practices
✓ make creativity a habit
✓ be an everyday activist

Discover & Learn

Created by kholis muasarohfrom the Noun Project
✓ five weekly modules
✓ 25 bite-sized videos to watch at your leisure
✓ audio mp3s to enjoy while on the go
✓ inbox inspiration
✓ books, podcasts, videos

Encouraging Resources

✓ reflective journaling prompts
✓ audio mp3 meditation practices
✓ beautiful 65+-page PDF workbook
✓ lessons from my journey
✓ a holistic guided experience

Tranquility Roadmap

Created by kholis muasarohfrom the Noun Project
Created by kholis muasarohfrom the Noun Project

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I have been following Kimberly since at least 2011, have bought all her books, but had never signed up for one of her offerings. The TDJ e-course experience did not disappoint. I came away with many resources to explore and ideas to ponder and incorporate into my daily life. I got great value from the course and I love that the modules remain available to revisit even after the course concluded.

— Kim

This compact course has a treasure-trove of practical ideas that are delivered in a kind and loving manner and are very easy to follow. The class met weekly, and it also had several bonuses. The learning management system (LMS) is easy to follow and very straightforward.


Let TDJ Tenets Transform You

Here’s what previous participants experienced

During the Living Tranquility Digital Course, you'll learn to:


Created by VectorsLabfrom the Noun Project
Created by sumarnifrom the Noun Project
  • practice affirmative writing to gain clarity
  • design a wellness plan
  • create your ideal weekly schedule


  • art journal your vision
  • dabble in a variety of creative pursuits
  • try 15 tools to enhance your creativity


  • find more ease through a variety of practices
  • make friends with yourself
  • learn the 3Ns to help manage emotions


  • clarify your signature style
  • design a capsule wardrobe
  • incorporate flair into your routine


  • be an everyday activist
  • honor the environment
  • alleviate the suffering of others
Created by USCPfrom the Noun Project
Created by Arafat Uddinfrom the Noun Project
Created by Majidefrom the Noun Project

What's Included


Living Tranquility
Digital Course

Start your TDJ Tenets
learning journey.


TDJ Digital Course

Enjoy both the Tranquility Within
and Living Tranquility
Digital Courses.


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Kimberly Wilson delivers high impact, quality engagement and practical activities across all her online offerings. Tranquilistas anywhere in search of a short, sustained dose of TDJ will find benefit from this e-course!

— barbara

I set up the modules in a binder and I think it really grounded me, I do have a morning and evening routine but my check ins with myself were lacking. I’m going to keep doing my check ins every day and making it a priority.


bonus offerings

Because I want you to have all the tranquility tools to experience more beauty and balance in your every day.

bonus offerings

TDJ YouTube Playlist

Watch the TDJ YouTube collection of insightful references and supportive practices focused on mental health.

bonus 1

Spotify Podcast Playlist

Learn and indulge in this carefully-curated TDJ playlist
of auditory resources, stories, and insights centered on mental health.

bonus 2

TDJ Tenet Essays PDF

Infuse more tranquility and get more inspiration through this collection of essays guided by the TDJ Tenets.

bonus 3

In alignment with our compassion tenet,
a portion of all proceeds will benefit Pigs & Pugs Project.

tranquility tools, and sacred space.




What’s included in the Living Tranquility course?

What’s included in the Living Tranquility course?

The program (formerly named TDJ Lifestyle) includes five modules with 35 bite-sized video lessons to watch at your leisure, lessons’ transcripts, five Spotify podcast playlists, a YouTube channel playlist, a collection of essays on the Tenets, and a beautiful 65-page workbook PDF.

 What are the dates for the Living Tranquility course?

 What are the dates for the Living Tranquility course?

The modules are available on demand.

How long do I have access to the course?

How long do I have access to the course?

Your enrollment includes access to the digital program for the life of the program, including any updates!

What's the difference between Living Tranquility digital course and the Coterie?

What's the difference between Living Tranquility digital course and the Coterie?

Great question! Living Tranquility digital course is a deep dive into the five TDJ Tenets of compassion, wellness, creativity, wellness, and mindfulness. The Coterie is a year-long journey through 12 topics ranging from dreams, yoga, meaning, writing, entrepreneurship, love, and self-care plus most of the Tenets and includes over 30 live events. Compassion isn’t one of the 12 Coterie topics since I developed the Tenets after I wrote my book Year of Tranquility and it’s the foundation for the Coterie’s monthly masterclasses and lessons. There is some overlap since the Tenets encompass my teaching, but it’s a fairly different experience in timeline, topics, and price.

What's the difference between the Living Tranquility digital course and the TDJ Lifestyle Course you previously offered?

What's the difference between the Living Tranquility digital course and the TDJ Lifestyle Course you previously offered?

Great question! Living Tranquility digital course was previously named and released as TDJ Lifestyle. It contains the same videos and lessons with updated transcripts, a 63-page workbook, and new bonuses.

How have the Tenets helped you?

How have the Tenets helped you?

For the past 20 years I’ve used these practices to write six books, prioritize self-care while running multiple businesses, navigate deep loss, build a (nearly) 20-year relationship with my partner, highlight philanthropy in my work, complete two master’s programs, and teach in over 35 cities across the globe. I believe it’s never too late and our plates are never too full to live the life we want. It starts with small steps and practices that move us closer to our future selves. This e-course shares the secrets of how I’ve used the Tenets in my life.

I’m very busy, how much time will this take?

I’m very busy, how much time will this take?

To get the most out of the experience, I encourage devoting at least two to three hours each week to watch the videos, reflect in your workbook, and try the practices. You have lifetime access to the program, so if you fall behind you can revisit the program as your schedule allows.

What is your refund policy?

What is your refund policy?

TDJ Tenets e-course is filled with digital resources, so there aren’t any refunds and we think you’re going to love the experience.

How do I register?

How do I register?

Please click the Start Learning button on the page or click here.

What happens after I register?

What happens after I register?

Upon registration you’ll receive a welcome confirmation email. If you don’t receive it, please check spam. If it’s not there, please reach out and we’ll get you set.

 I have another question, how do I contact you?

 I have another question, how do I contact you?

Feel free to reach out to us at

This program was life changing! You broke down each module into doable action items that allowed me to see how small actions led to major positive impact over 5 weeks. Each module built on the other in a way that reinforced what I was learning. I am so excited that I gave myself the gift of time to commitment to this work!


I found Kimberly in a profound moment of grief when I needed a lifeline & she became my sparkly pink angel. She has coached me, mentored me & has helped me through multiple losses & disappointments in my life. I’ve grown into midlife with her and she still feels just as sparkly, magical and amazing to me. If you are not engaged in Kimberly’s universe, please come and join us to the happiest place on the web.

— lizi

The entire journey was like a nourishing virtual hug and yummy cup of tea. I have a glimpse of what is means to be my best self.


My intention for attending the TDJ Tenets e-course was to work on centering my focus for both mind and body. The course did not disappoint and has given me many options to explore weekly as I go forward in my journey.


from the community

TDJ Tenets e-course gave me time to get back to myself…and it reminded me of what’s important.


I really enjoyed the way the course was set up. It was so easy to follow.


from the community

The TDJ Tenets e-course is an inspiring and manageable program. The assignments are fun and thought-provoking, but can be done in a few hours a week. Kimberly does it again!


I loved the format –
very manageable!


from the community

This program was life changing! You broke down each module into doable action items that allowed me to see how small actions led to major positive impact over 5 weeks. Each module built on the other in a way that reinforced what I was learning. I am so excited that I gave myself the gift of time to commitment to this work


from the community

Focus on your values and reconnect with                    


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Hi, I’m 

I’m a psychotherapist in private practice and midlife mentor, committed to helping women embrace the joys of this transformative phase of life and empowering them to find renewed purpose and tranquility in their every day. I also serve as president of Pigs & Pugs Project and design eco-fashion TDJ.

For over 20 years, I've studied, practiced, and taught the art of tranquility to global audiences. As the host of the Tranquility du Jour podcast, author of multiple lifestyle-focused books, and creator of online courses and events, my mission is to guide midlife women towards balance, beauty, and renewed purpose in their everyday lives.

I have Master’s in Women’s Studies and Social Work and has been featured in
The Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, Washingtonian, Huffington Post, US News & World Report, Yoga Journal, and Bella Grace. I live in Washington, DC with rescue pugs and a longtime partner while also dreaming of Paris.

My obsessions include ballet, matcha lattes, snail mail, and buying more books than I could ever read. Join the tranquility movement and enjoy ongoing inspiration through my Love Notes.

