
A yearlong immersion to infuse more balance, beauty, and creativity into midlife.


Join the Waitlist

Why Tranquility?

Tranquility allows us to stay (mostly) calm despite the many dings, pings, and buzzing of daily life.

Tranquility encourages us to fill our lives with experiences and people that bring us joy.

Tranquility helps us align our schedules with our values while reflecting and readjusting as needed.

Tranquility is the quality of calm within a full and meaningful life.

adrift in midlife?

Do you feel 

Are you seeking a safe space to reconnect to yourself, find community, and create your next chapter?


Does your soul long to...

Incorporate more healthy habits

Find space to incubate your next chapter

Switch off of autopilot and make conscious choices

Navigate aging with flair and intentionality

Prioritize your mental health and midlife dreams

Experience being inspired and nourished throughout the year

Align your days with your values

Try guided mindfulness practices to reduce stress and anxiety

Discover creative play with ephemera and a journal

… then the Coterie was made for           !


It’s been a lovely experience to connect with this amazing group! Thoughtful presentations and resources and reminders.

I love every single thing about the Coterie! Thank you for continuing it. I have grown so much through these experiences. 

This experience is for you if:

+ You want to be equipped with a variety of tools to help you find more ease in the everyday.

+ You want to prioritize your mental health and your midlife dreams.

+ You’re interested in guided practices and experiences.

+ You’re open to creative play with ephemera and a journal.

want more tranquil days ahead?

+ You want to align your days with your values..

+ You crave space to reflect monthly and dive deeper seasonally.


The Coterie is the yearlong tranquility
journey for women in midlife.

This program is for seekers, dreamers, lifelong learners, and meaning makers in midlife longing for a safe space to flourish, connect, and grow into the most authentic version of themselves at this stage in their lives.



The Coterie has been a welcomed refuge from the trials of my daily world. I am trying new things, like ballet! And receive gentle guidance to help my progress in self care. I have a place to turn to quietly create with others. And our weekly lessons and virtual retreats serve as a reminder that I not only belong, but that I belong to something wonderful. Kimberly is an extraordinary mentor who never ceases to amaze me with the wholehearted surprises she shares.
I feel honored to be a part of this tranquil space.


The monthly themes have supported me in grounding my intentions each month, and Kimberly’s consistent teaching and advice sharing helps bring nuggets of wisdom to each week! The community is positive and supportive, and the monthly sessions feel empowering! Another example of Kimberly’s ability to create and foster communities of love and tranquility!

Envision creating moments of tranquility because you’ve…

Made time for reflection

Infused meaning into your days

Lived with less overwhelm

Taken action on those creative dreams

Showed up authentically as who you are now

Created by Alzamfrom the Noun Project
Created by Ker'isfrom the Noun Project
Created by Nithinan Tatahfrom the Noun Project
Created by Alex Muravevfrom the Noun Project
Created by Royyan Wijayafrom the Noun Project

Let the Coterie support you in

everyday tranquility.

Created by Llisolefrom the Noun Project


Be guided by the five
TDJ Tenets






Hi, I’m 

I’m a psychotherapist, writer, and rescue pug mama. I’ve been studying and teaching tranquility for 24 years with a mission to help women find more balance and beauty in their lives.

For years, I taught tranquility and struggled to find it myself because I kept pushing to do more—write another book, build a larger yoga studio, develop another eco-fashion collection. In midlife, I knew I needed to make a shift.

After turning 50, I’ve trimmed my offerings, transitioned my eco-fashion line to occasional capsules, and am working on my latest book focused on midlife. I’m embracing simplicity in a new way that aligns with my energy.

Using the curated tools shared in The Coterie, I continue to streamline while also pursing my dreams, practicing self-care, and sharing my journey.

A cuppa matcha tea, a rose-scented candle, a pistachio macaron, a favorite jazz tune, a pug cuddle, a deep conversation, a decadent nap.

I believe that we can create a more tranquil life by practicing the five TDJ Tenets (mindfulness, creativity, style, compassion, and wellness), making space for our dreams, growing from our experiences, and connecting with like-hearted souls.

I’ve been called upon as a wellness expert in various media outlets such as TV, radio, books, podcasts, and US News & Reports, Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post. My work has been featured in publications such as Fast Company, Bella Grace, Washingtonian, Yoga Journal, and The Washington Post..

I hold master’s in women’s studies and social work. I infuse my work with science-backed tools coupled with my own experience and am SO excited to work with you!



There’s power in slowing down to experience tranquility in the simple pleasures of every day.


If cultivating a community with wonder seekers, dreamers and doers is your jam, then the Coterie is for you. Kimberly Wilson, our exuberant hostess, invites her guests to abide, embrace, and share the values of living creatively, stylishly on your terms, and at peace.


The Coterie is everything I hoped for and MORE! The content is sequenced and sorted well, and there is always something new and many surprise additions! This program offers something for everyone — introverts, extroverts, mothers, maidens and crones, special interest groups and accountability partners. Kimberly does an amazing job creating the container, organizing dynamic events, building a library of supporting materials and live content. And the community members do the rest. So supportive. So rich.

The Coterie offers a nourishing space to reset and
reconnect with yourself.

• Meet like-hearted souls
• Pay attention to your feelings
• Make yourself a priority

How Will The Coterie Help You?

The beautiful Coterie workbook PDF is filled with checklists, journal prompts, guided practices, and more to help facilitate your journey.

The Coterie Workbook

Spend time rediscovering yourself.


• Move your body
• Spend time in guided experiences
• Incorporate everyday tranquility



• Spend time in your art journal
• Make space for creative projects
• Design a life of intention



• Learn new tranquility tools
• Expand your horizons
• Be a yearlong explorer of possibility



• Enjoy regular check-ins
• Notice patterns
• Build on what’s working



I've loved connecting with the Coterie members - both online and in-person. Truly, it's the people who make all the difference. 

I love the monthly topics, they seem to resonate with what's happening in my life and give me the little bit extra I'm searching for. I also love hearing what other Coterinas are doing!


Immerse yourself in

join the waitlist


This program gives you access to everything you need to experience more tranquility in your daily life.


Being part of the Tranquility Coterie has enriched my life in countless ways. I cannot image what this year would be like without it. The community of like-minded and like-hearted people in the Coterie has been a lifesaver. I lost my husband and retired. Both of these events, together with the lingering effects of the pandemic, could have left me feeling isolated, but through the Coterie I have connected with a wonderful, vibrant, creative, and inspiring community. Being in the Coterie has helped me find peace and calm through meditation, has supported and enhanced my creativity, has inspired me to live a fuller and more joyful life, and, best of all, it has led me to make wonderful new friends. Thank you, Kimberly! I am grateful for you and for the members of the Coterie.


The Coterie is everything I hoped for and MORE! The content is sequenced and sorted well, and there is always something new and many surprise additions! This program offers something for everyone — introverts, extroverts, mothers, maidens and crones, special interest groups and accountability partners. Kimberly does an amazing job creating the container, organizing dynamic events, building a library of supporting materials and live content. And the community members do the rest. So supportive. So rich.

Discover the New Coterie Modules

Infuse more magic into midlife with these carefully curated Coterie modules to address your unique challenges and aspirations.
Each module aims to guide, inspire, and support you on your midlife journey.

Join me as I create and unfold this assortment of updated monthly modules while also enjoying access to the previous ones in the Year of Tranquility course.

I’m over the moon to be part of such a magnificent group of women! This year has such a sparkle to it from being part of the Coterie. 💗

I’m loving everything!
I adore the Coterie!

Loving the space to explore at my own pace!

Monthly Modules

Enjoy biweekly lessons and a monthly private podcast to bring the 12 midlife modules to life.


Bring those creative wishes to life within community.

Designed to create space for regular check-ins, planning, pausing, learning, and dream setting.


Intimately collaborate with me on this yearlong journey and savor overflowing treats designed to enhance your experience.

Private Community

Enjoy ongoing connection and support through our Circle platform.


This yearlong program will support you through thoughtfully selected virtual resources. From seasonal gatherings, to tea parties, to co-creating sessions, to a book club, and more.

Special Events

Adoring the variety of explorations in the coterie + invitation to carve out the space to reconnect with what’s most important (within). 🩵

Being part of the Coterie fills my life with joy! Thank you!

Tranquility Within
Digital Course

Bonus 2

Living Tranquility
Digital Course

Enjoy a deep dive into the five TDJ Tenets of wellness, compassion, creativity, mindfulness, and style. Learn how to infuse these tenets into your days through practical practices.

Bonus 3

Year of Tranquility
Digital Course

Journey through tranquility all year with 12 audio monthly masterclasses, 52 weekly lessons, a PDF of this book and additional bonus pages.

Bonus 4

Embrace Your Inner Parisienne Micro-course

Inspired by my passion for the City of Light, learn simple ways to bring the beauty of Paris home wherever you may live PLUS a peek into my favorite spots and more in this new micro-course. Releasing fall 2024.

Bonus 5

Four Creativity Retreats

Spend a half-day working on a creative project within a supportive community.

Bonus 6

Specialty Workshops

Join special sessions with a few of my favorite teachers (including my private ballet teacher)!

Bonus 7

Annual Substack Membership

Get a free subscription to the paid version of Midlife Musings and discover an assortment of tools to support tranquility in midlife.

Bonus 9

Sneak Peeks into
My Book-Writing Journey

Get an intimate peek into my writing and release of the updated and enhanced book on midlife formerly known as Tranquilista.

Bonus 10

Movie Night

Pop some popcorn, pour a cuppa tea, get cozy, and enjoy a handpicked flick with the Coterie community.

Bonus 11

Support Causes

For every registration, I’ll donate $25 to one of these three charities. Thank you for making a difference.

Bonus 12

Exclusive Sneak Peeks
of TDJ Items

Be the first to know of any capsule clothing or special product releases.

Bonus 13

Discounts on all
TDJ Offerings

Receive discounts to any additional offerings designed to help you discover more tranquility in midlife.

Bonus 8

TDJ Books

Receive PDF copies of six of my books PLUS get sneak peeks of my book-in-progress.


Because I want you to have                the tranquility tools to experience more beauty and balance in your days.


Bonus 1

Get grounded while learning ways to prioritize your mental health, manage stress, and reduce anxiety in this five-module specialty course.

value: $97
value: $500
value: $500
value: $99
value: $117

Bonus 2

Living Tranquility
Digital Course

Enjoy a deep dive into the five TDJ Tenets of wellness, compassion, creativity, mindfulness, and style. Learn how to infuse these tenets into your days through practical practices.

VALUE: $197
VALUE: $197
value: $197

Coterie Café

Bonus 14

Monthly community gatherings via Zoom to connect and check-in with each other.

I'm enjoying the Coterie so much. Between the lessons, the meet-ups on Zoom, and the great conversations that happen, I feel very supported and seen.

I love it so much. I can't think of any way of improving it. It's lovely to be able to go at my own pace, but not feel as if I have to be caught up before jumping into whatever is scheduled for any given month. 

I love the sessions, Kimberly's guidance, the journal prompts, and how kind and “bienveillante” the Coterie ladies are. I always feel less alone during and especially after such intimate gatherings. Kimberly has the most wonderful circle of ladies.💗 

The Coterie


I’m joining mid-year, what’s included?

I’m joining mid-year, what’s included?

Attend 14 live events through December (including bonuses, bimonthly tea dates, a Mid-Year and Fall Seasonal Soirée, monthly Co-Creating sessions, a movie night, a three-hour writing retreat), get a free subscription to paid Substack, all my digital courses including the upcoming Year of Tranquility and Embrace Your Inner Parisienne, PLUS enjoy full replay access to the monthly masterclasses, biweekly lessons, Seasonal Soirées, virtual tea dates, and bonuses from the first half of 2024.

What’s included in the Tranquility Coterie?

What’s included in the Tranquility Coterie?

This virtual program includes:

Seasonal Soirées: a 90-minute live retreat that includes inspiration and the practice of journaling and creative play. We’ll have four in 2024 starting on January 13 (replay included) and you’ll receive the live event and replays.

Monthly Co-Creating Sessions: we’ll gather to work quietly together on a creative project on the third Friday at noon ET starting on January 19. We connect at the beginning, middle, and end of the one-hour session. For two 25-minute chunks, you’ll have dedicated time to show up and move toward a goal of our choice. Not recorded since there’s no programming.

Bimonthly Virtual Tea Dates: we’ll enjoy time to pause and plan over tea through guided journaling, connection, and Q&A on the first Friday of every other month starting on February 2 at noon ET. If you miss us live, submit your questions in advance and I’m happy to answer.
Pop-Up Writing/Creating Retreat: spend half of a day working on a creative project within a supportive community. Dates TBA.
Monthly Masterclasses: delivered near the first of each month via a private podcast to introduce the month’s module.

Biweekly Lessons: two monthly lessons starting on January 15 will be released each month to help bring the month’s module to life.

Bonuses: including a variety of additional perks such as a book club, a resource library, a private community on Circle, movie night, a free subscription to paid Substack, my digital courses (including two new ones), a chance to meet a few of my favorite teachers (including my private ballet teacher), donations to my go-to charities, and much more. See above for a description of all the bonuses. You’ll receive the live event and replays, where applicable.

What's the Coterie schedule?

What's the Coterie schedule?

We officially kickoff our year together on Saturday, January 13 at noon-1:30 pm ET with our first Seasonal Soirée!

12 Monthly Module Masterclass private podcasts release near the first of each month.

12 Co-Creating Sessions happen on the third Friday of each month starting on January 19 from noon-1 pm ET.

24 Biweekly lessons aligned with the month’s module release on two Mondays each month starting on January 15.

6 Bimonthy virtual tea dates happen every other month on the first Friday from noon-1pm ET starting on February 2.

4 Seasonal Soirées happen every three months starting on January 13 from noon-1:30 pm ET.

PLUS a movie night, a Pop-Up Writing Retreat, and a few fabulous guest teacher workshops, and more! Dates TBA.

Zoom link, a private community (Circle) invitation, a warm welcome message, a calendar of events, workbook PDF, and more come via email upon registration.

What's the investment for the Coterie?

What's the investment for the Coterie?

The cost of the Coterie is $997. There is a payment plan option of $187/mo for six months. There’s also an option to receive two 1:1 coaching sessions. See the buttons above for payment options. Please note that by choosing the subscription plan, you are committing to the full payment of the Coterie.

Tell me about the Option 2 Coaching session.

Tell me about the Option 2 Coaching session.

Option 2 includes two 50-minute coaching sessions which allow us to work 1:1 and support your 2024 journey. These are available during the weekday ET and I’ll offer you available virtual or in person times to be used before December 31, 2024. Here’s more information on our coaching experience. Please note that by choosing the subscription plan, you are committing to the full payment of the Coterie.

What is a Coterie?

What is a Coterie?

According to Macmillian Dictionary, a coterie is small group of people doing things together. Tranquility Coterie is your place to connect, grow, and thrive with like-hearted souls seeking a more tranquil lifestyle in midlife.

Who is Tranquility Coterie designed for?

Who is Tranquility Coterie designed for?

The Coterie is for seekers, dreamers, lifelong learners, and meaning makers in midlife longing for a safe space to flourish, connect, and grow into the most authentic version of themselves at this stage in their lives.

Tell me about the bonuses!

Tell me about the bonuses!

Ohhhh, bonuses! You’ll be offered a variety of additional perks, including a chance to meet a few of my favorite teachers (including my private ballet teacher), plus a free subscription to the paid version of Midlife Musings, charity donations, one pop-up writing/creating retreat, all of my digital courses (including two releasing in 2024), movie night, PDF copies of five of my books, and so much more. See the list above for the overflowing bonuses, which amount to much more than the entire cost of the yearlong program!

What if I can't make an event live?

What if I can't make an event live?

I schedule most events well in advance to give you ample time to block them off in your schedule and I also totally understand that life happens! You’ll receive a replay of all the events except co-creating sessions, movie nights, and the in-person tea party since there’s no programming, so you can watch them at your leisure. If you can’t join a Bimonthly virtual tea party, you’re welcome to submit your question in advance for me to answer during the Q&A time. And, I’ll miss you!

What causes will be supported through the Coterie?

What causes will be supported through the Coterie?

Pigs and pugs, the environment, and orangutans are close to my heart, so Pigs & Pugs Project, 1% for the Planet, and Borneo Orangutan Survival will receive a percentage of all Coterie sales.

Pigs & Pugs Project raises awareness through special events and supports the work of pig sanctuaries and pug rescue organizations throughout the United States with micro-grants. Our mission is to make the lives of pigs and pugs happier and healthier.

Thank you for helping support our mission!

I’m very busy, how much time will this take?

I’m very busy, how much time will this take?

To get the most out of the experience, I encourage you to try to join us live and/or set aside time to watch the replays. The Coterie will take a few minutes weekly to read the biweekly lessons and a few hours each month to join us live and/or watch the replays. Everything is offered in bite-sized pieces to give you yearlong support without a big time commitment. Also, you have lifetime access to the material, so you can revisit the tools as your schedule allows.

What is your refund/cancellation policy?

What is your refund/cancellation policy?

The Coterie is filled with digital resources, so there aren’t any refunds and I think you’re going to love the experience. By signing up for the payment plan, you are committing to the full payment cycle. Of course, reach out if there’s anything I can do to enhance your experience!

 Do you offer scholarships?

 Do you offer scholarships?

It’s my mission to help you find more tranquility in your life, so I created The Coterie at a substantial savings over à la carte pricing (plus added many perks). All partial scholarships have been taken.

I have another question, how do I contact you?

I have another question, how do I contact you?

Feel free to reach out to us at Happy to help!



more from the community

I have loved organizing my life through The Coterie’s seasonal offerings for years! Having it all in one place was so easy and I participated in much more than I had in previous years. It was really fun to know the whole year’s offering at the beginning of the year and it was a treat to “sprinkle some tranquility” throughout my planner. 
I can’t wait for next year.


The Coterie experience was a tremendous investment in my self-care journey. All the activities this year promoted my emotional and health well-being. I discovered new strategies in the weekly practices and regained my creativity during this process.


The Coterie has been an amazing experience, I'm so glad I joined! I love the monthly themes, they really help me focus on what's important in my life. I've gotten some great ideas and have been inspired to make positive changes. Each live event is recorded so when I get busy, I know I won't miss anything!


I have been a member of the Coterie for two years. The host, Kimberly Wilson, is creative, inspirational and epitomizes tranquility. Each gathering is sprinkled with her compassion for humanity, journaling, yoga and well-being for her members. Her passion for life is contagious. With emphasis on tenets to create your best self, Kimberly shares herself and resources freely.


I am working to design a daily schedule that preserves time for self-care. I often find myself on autopilot and realize mindfulness has gone by the wayside. I can’t think of a better self-care present than joining The Coterie! There is so much lovely content, community and love available in this welcoming space.


The Coterie has been a blessing to me both spiritually and practically! I have discovered tools to help keep me focused and tranquil at the same time plus I have made great progress on my goal of decluttering my space. Kimberly has so much to offer. I am very happy to have been a part of the Coterie.


Kimberly Wilson’s Coterie is an all-inclusive pass to pampering & self-care. Spending time with Kimberly is like hanging out with a very knowledgeable, wise best friend. I highly recommend joining.


Participation in the Coterie has helped me to remember just how beautiful life is, as well as my and our place in it together


My year - and goals - has been different than I expected, but I feel like this Coterie is a centering aspect to my life and has helped me be a little more resilient and 'go with the flow.' It has also enabled me to be open for other opportunities to emerge.


The Coterie is the perfect gift to give yourself. Kimberly's focus on tranquility brings balance and self-care to my life. She creates amazing monthly modules and seasonal gatherings, which allows me to reflect, set personal goals, and get creative! I love connecting with the Coterie community and I always feel energized after attending Coterie events!


The Coterie has given me the ability—through the monthly workshops, co-creating opportunities, virtual retreats, and bonus sessions—to keep my focus (my word of the year!) on my goals and strive to attain a more balanced life.


This is my second year with the Coterie and I love every minute of it. I'm not always able to join live events, so I'm delighted to watch replays...sometimes multiple times. The monthly themes help me to stay grounded and clarify what I want more/less of as I move through the month. Kimberly is a wonderful guide on the collective journey and has created a beautiful community of like-minded people.


I love the Coterie’s community. Our virtual gathering and check ins as the season changes is a great way to be reminded of your goals and how baby steps can get your there. I also enjoy the sparkles and beauty that Kimberly infuses in everything she does. She embodies grace and kindness. All the things we need more of. Thank you, Kimberly!
