Let’s Coterie

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Take a peek inside the Coterie experience

With over 30+ live events, a resource library, weekly lessons from Year of Tranquility, a private community in Circle, a mental health micro-course, seasonal retreat immersions, and lots of love, this transformative virtual program offers you tools and support to find more beauty and balance in your every day.

Hear from others

The Coterie is everything I hoped for and MORE! The content is sequenced and sorted well, and there is always something new and many surprise additions! Really, this program offers something for everyone — introverts, extroverts, mothers, maidens and crones, special interest groups and accountability partners. Kimberly does an amazing job creating the container, organizing dynamic events, building a library of supporting materials and live content. And the community members do the rest. So supportive. So rich. —Barbara

If cultivating a community with wonder seekers, dreamers and doers is your jam, then the Coterie is for you. Kimberly Wilson, our exuberant hostess, invites her guests to abide, embrace, and share the values of living creatively, stylishly on your terms, and at peace. —Deidre

The Coterie has been a welcomed refuge from the trials of my daily world. I am trying new things, like ballet! And receive gentle guidance to help my progress in self care. I have a place to turn to quietly create with others. And our weekly lessons and virtual retreats serve as a reminder that I not only belong, but that I belong to something wonderful. Kimberly is an extraordinary mentor who never ceases to amaze me with the wholehearted surprises she shares. I feel honored to be a part of this tranquil space. —Carrie

Here’s what you’ll learn

Here’s what’s included

Learn more and apply today by clicking here.

There are only 9 spots left and doors close in one week. I can’t wait to spend 2023 with you! x