Mid-Year Retreat Love

love notes
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Joined by like-hearted souls from Belgium, France, UK, Canada, and across the US, last Saturday we gathered via Zoom for a Mid-Year Virtual Retreat.

These beautiful retreat photos were spotted on social media (#tranquilitydujour) and offer a peek inside the experience.

Together we focused on reviewing our year and designing what remains while working through three modules: 1) Flow: Yoga + Meditation, 2) Reflect: Review Year, and 3) Create: Design Year.

We turned our attention to what we can control with an eye on personal growth, healthy habits, and coping skills.

For those who weren’t able to join us, I encourage you to ponder:

  1. What has been most challenging about 2020?
  2. What has been most helpful?
  3. What am I most excited to manifest in the second half of 2020?

Our retreat’s beneficiary was Higher Heights for America (recommended by Jamia from podcast #491) and we donated $500 to support their work. They’re building the political power and leadership of Black women from the voting booth to elected office and creating the environment for Black women to run, win, and lead.

Thank you again for supporting this special offering. It was a treat to connect for four whole hours and I look forward to retreating again with you. Bisous. x