August in Review

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Life is a process of becoming. A combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.—Anais Nin

August in Review

Last month was filled with adrenaline surges and emotional fluctuations. While I’m still a bit numb from it all, I feel myself slowly emerging. Into what, I’m not sure, but I do see a new normal on the horizon.

August included two trips to see pigs at Farm Sanctuary and Whispering Rise Animal Sanctuary, date night at The Kennedy Center, giving notice to The Women’s Center after three years to focus on private practice, selling Tranquil Space to YogaWorks, giving microgrants, hosting Writing Lab, releasing TranquiliT’s fall collection, decluttering, memoir writing, attending the Animal Rights Conference, and binge watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

As the dust begins to settle and my heart rate slows, I hope to turn my attention toward deeper self-care, rest, and rejuvenation. And to nurturing our online community. Stay tuned for a reemergence this fall that will include Daybook 6.0, an online gathering, and more. I’ve missed you and look forward to reconnecting once the inner well is refilled.

Wishing you a beautiful start to this brand new month! Bisous. x

August Blog/Podcast Wrap Up

Announcing Daybook 6.0
New beginnings for Tranquil Space
Podcast #403: Creative Living
Podcast #402: A Paris Year
July in Review
Turn Toward the Light

September Wish List

Release two podcasts
Adjust to my new normal
Celebrate Tim’s birthday
Learn lots at memoir intensive
Host celebratory Tranquil Space team event
Make 50 lavender-infused face/body oil gifts
Transition to three days in private practice
Share more about Daybook 6.0
Collaborate with clients
Read, write, and practice yoga daily
Write 5,000 words of memoir
Set tea dates with friends
Dive into Veterinary Social Work curriculum
Spend a full day in declutter mode

Savvy Sources

Is meditation self-help?
An Anais Nin podcast
A brief yoga practice that quiets the mind
I kicked my smartphone addiction
How you can help animals impacted by Hurricane Harvey
Let’s hear it for the 4-hour working day
Writing letters to break vicious cycles
How to practice Vipassana meditation
The surprising way to grow your productivity
46 amazing new books to read this fall
7 reasons being a slow reader is good for you
Neuroscientist picks 12 books everyone should read
Manage your attention, not your time
11 ways to practice self-care (15 min or less)
4 ways to make space in your brain to create