feeling gratitude and not expressing it is
like wrapping a present and not giving it.
(william arthur ward)
kaileenelise is a yogini, artist & creative entrepreneur – living, loving and learning in raleligh, nc. follow her on twitter & visit her blog for musings on making every day an extraordinary adventure.
hello fellow tranquilistas!
thank you for stopping by for a bit of tranquility today. as you might know, i write guest posts on the 2nd wednesday of each month to share ideas & inspiration on signature style.
signature style is an outward expression of your creativity. for some it’s the way you do your hair & the makeup you wear. for others it’s the music you listen to & the blogs you read. it could be the polish on your toes & the pencils on your desk.
each of us expresses our signature style in a variety of ways, and last month’s post focused on welcoming fall with sparkle. today features a topic common for november: gratitude.
thank you notes
with thanksgiving around the corner, expressing gratitude is on the minds of many. it’s easy to share thanks online through email, facebook or twitter, but the few extra minutes it takes to send a handwritten thank you note are well worth it.
the end of the year is a great time to mail thank yous to people who have impacted you positively throughout 2010. remember that fancy words and long letters aren’t necessary – a short and simple note will always do the trick!
gratitude journals
i first heard about the gratitude journal concept from watching oprah. one of her guests suggested that viewers set aside five minutes each day to write about the things, people and events they appreciate.
this practice of gratitude is a helpful reflection tool – it brings light to the things most important in our lives. a great example of this practice is leah dieterich’s blog thxthxthx, an online daily exercise in gratitude.
smiles & compliments
there are two instant ways to share gratitude and love with those around you. smile at your coworker who walks into your meeting late. compliment a friend on her new shirt. try to make a stranger smile at the coffee shop, or compliment your letter carrier for delivering the mail each day.
as the holiday season approaches, our lives and schedules become even busier. we’re wrapping up the year and spending time with loved ones. we’re shopping, attending parties and participating in office gift swaps. we stand in line at airports and wait to take a snapshot with santa at the mall.
through all this hustle and bustle, there’s a unique opportunity to express gratitude and share love.
image credit: the paige spot on etsy