Week in Review
Took 3 yoga classes
Taught 2 yoga classes
Biked 8 miles
Return road trip from Hilton Head
Penned many thoughts in my journal
Savored beach time with Le Beau and Le Pug
Saw 17 beautiful clients at The Women’s Center
Sent confirms to Costa Rica Art + Asana registrants
Procured flight to Paris to lead Penning in Paris
Penned and released Week 11 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility
Met with seamstress and finalized spring TranquiliT samples
Prepped for tonight’s Yoga + Creativity workshop
Released sparkly podcast with Tiffany Pratt
Had calls and meetings with studio Teacher Director
Sent redesign edits to graphic designer
Ordered three new books: Choosing the Simply Luxurious Life, The Art of Stillness, and Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of our Everyday Lives
Savored a yummy meal and company with friends across the river {Virginia}
Pinned away on Pinterest during long car rides
Savored daily soaks in the tub
Sent thank you to sparkly tee supporters and requested pics
Call with dear friend going through a hard time
Shed many tears over Le Pug
Consumed numerous green juice and a few donuts {see above pic}
Perused Tarjay’s dollar bins for a dose of retail therapy
Weekend Wish List
Host inspiring Yoga + Creativity workshop
Smooth spring TranquiliT photo shoot
Prep for writing group
Pen piece for newsletter
Prep for Monday’s *live* Tranquilosophy Seasonal Podcast
Savor brunch with girlfriend
Strategic planning date
Learn lots at first hospice volunteering
Soak in the tub
Et toi? What’s on your weekend wish list? Bisous. x