Daybook Launch Gratitude

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Friday night we gathered for the Tranquility du Jour Daybook Virtual Launch Fête. Thank you for tuning in from Columbia, Canada, and across the US!

During the event, Gizmo went rogue while I shared my go-to productivity tips, answered your questions, highlighted the new components of the 272-page pink planner, and showcased some of the 32 Tranquility Tools.

In addition, longtime connoisseurs Nikol and Barbara shared their Daybook personalization and inspiration ideas via video, photos, and how-tos [psst, it’s all over on your private event page].

To access this 75-minute event, a one-hour workshop video, and additional bonuses, order your Daybook as a PDF or in print on Amazon and input your info into the bonuses sign up.

Also, a BIG congrats to Nikol who shared a photo from the event using #tdjdaybook and, thanks to random number generator, is the winner of my upcoming 12-week course (TBA). Congrats, Nikol!

Finally, pen a review of the Daybook on Amazon and enter to win a FREE e-course. This is an ongoing weekly giveaway.

Here’s to planning with an eye toward tranquility, staying connected to our big dreams, and making meaningful experiences out of everyday moments. Thank you for your support of this passion project! Bisous. x