september’s online book club feature

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image courtesy of rowdy kittens 
 dearest readers,
it’s that time again. a new book, a fresh start. 
before i settle in to put the cherry on top of this month’s tranquilologie issue, i wanted to announce september’s online book club feature: you can buy happiness (and it’s cheap): how one woman radically simplified her life and how you can too. it’s a book i haven’t been able to put down since it arrived, written by a former tranquility du jour podcast interviewee, and published by my beloved publisher, new world library. oh, and it rocks!
here are a few favorite passages/takeaways so far:
“write down your definition of happiness. . . right now, write down all the ways you can think of to simplify your life. as you write, consider: what changes can you make to your daily routine that will give you more freedom and time? how will those changes make you happier?” (pp. 17-18)
“as will rogers said, “too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” (p. 26)
 dave bruno’s 100 thing challenge
“{i want} a life focused on my health, happiness, and service to my community, not the accumulation of stuff. . . all it takes is a commitment to becoming the change you want to see in the world.” (p. 44) 
leo babauta’s zen habits
 “i frequently remember a powerful talk my friend dee wiliams once gave. dee  introduced us to the idea of a tiny house, and helped us build ours, and in the talk she asked the audience, “take a moment and think about what you want to hold in your arms as you die. what favorite room in your house or space could accommodate that last breath?” if we asked those questions more often, i think we’d stay out of storables. we’d focus less on stuff and shift our attention toward people and experiences — the things that make us truly happy.” (p. 66)
courtney carver’s project 333
hopefully this gives you a nice taste of what’s inside. i look forward to hearing your thoughts and launching into some of these projects and challenges together over the next many months. oh, and stay tuned for another podcast featuring the lovely tammy! 
p.s. to participate in our online book club, simply click the book image on the far right of the blog to share your thoughts, challenges, and insights regarding our monthly read. bisous. x