Summer Reading List

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A longtime reader, Cindie, recently reached out asking about my summer reading list, so I’m writing to share.

After her request, I prioritized and compiled the above books as my end of summer reading list. There’s some goodies on there and I’m eager to dive in!

As of today, I’ve read 16 of my 24 books for the Goodreads Reading Challenge (quite a few in the past month)—check out the link, you may find one or two to add to your list!

Here’s how I’m making more time for reading:

  1. I carry a book with me at all times (think Metro rides, waiting for appointments, afternoon breaks) for impromptu reading time.
  2. The stacks of books by my bed serve as a constant reminder as I wake up and fall asleep. Keep them on-hand, rather than tucked away.
  3. Since I love marking a book as “read,” Goodreads Reading Challenge keeps me motivated.
  4. I make dates with myself to sit outside, sip iced green tea, and read between clients or meetings.

What’s on your summer reading list? How do you carve out reading time?

Books are beautiful. Digesting them offers an escape, raises awareness, and deepens understanding. Happy reading! x