Happy Thanksgiving

love notes
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Do you long to consider your health, the planet, and the animals as you create your festive Thanksgiving experience? Me, too!

Here are a few sustainable and compassion-filled tips:
✨ Forgo plastic and use your fanciest
✨ Bring the outside world in with a nature-filled tablescape such as pine cones, boughs, berries, fallen leaves, pumpkins painted silver, moss, greenery, and/or flowers
✨ Skip meat or make it a small side dish versus the main course
Play inspiring tunes (check out the TDJ Spotify playlists)
Turn your phone to Do Not Disturb
Wear what makes you feel cozy and chic—think layers
✨ Say goodbye to paper plates and napkins and pull out those vintage pieces and cloth napkins
✨ Illuminate with flickering candles or a warming fire
Choose food items with less packaging
✨ Try these yummy vegan pumpkin scones (even I can make them, so they’re easy!)
Adopt a turkey
Compost things like veggie peels, tea bags, coffee grounds
Hang twinkle lights
✨ Visit the farmers’ market and shop local
✨ Donate to a local food bank
✨ Make your hostess or guest gifts (bath salts, cookies, candles) or buy from local artisans
✨ Treat your body to a long stroll or soothing yoga practice (try one in Tranquil Treasures)
✨ Volunteer to deliver food to those in need
Be gentle with yourself and practice mindful self-compassion
Soften and surrender expectations
✨ Connect with loved ones and share gratitude
✨ Create (or purchase pre-made) healthy and plant-filled dishes (50 recipes)

What are your go-to ways to spread compassion this time of the year?

I know some of you may be curious about eating more plants as a way to heal our planet, stop factory farming, and get more nutrients into your diet. I’ve been veg since 1999, am obsessed with animals, and, as you know, pigs and pugs have my heart (hello Pigs & Pugs Project).

I love what this lifestyle has done for me and my health. And I also know that the holidays can be a challenging time to practice mindful eating. I mean, pumpkin pie! Personally, I like it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but I digress.

Savor each morsel. Surf the urge on that fourth piece of pumpkin pie (speaking from experience). Rest when needed. Listen to your body. Be gentle with yourself and others.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. May we spread compassion, practice sustainability, and live tranquility.

This season, I’m particularly grateful for YOU! x