meatless monday

love notes
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colorful salad made by moi
bonjour and welcome to our brand new meatless monday column. as mentioned last week, things i love is moving to tuesdays to make room for this new feature (and to get my “asana” into the kitchen after nearly four decades of resistance). above is last week’s exciting assemblage of spinach, cherry tomatoes, walnuts, nectarines, blueberries, and newman’s olive oil + vinegar dressing
i know, i know, it’s a salad for goodness sake and who can’t make a salad? well, i must confess this is big progress for me and i promise to share more exciting pics and tips as this column continues. we have a stove on order (you may recall from a confessional post that ours didn’t work). plus, i’m well stocked with tasty meatless recipes and eager to give them a whirl – even if it is simply assembling to start. we gotta start somewhere, right? 
here are a few informative websites on veg living out there:
yay for our health, the environment, and the animals! bisous. x