A Day in Chicago

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One week ago I was in Chicago for a quick Artist Date.

Truth be told, I developed a crush on Harry Styles four weeks ago today. When I saw that one of his tour stops was Chicago and I happened to be free, I spontaneously got a ticket, hotel, and flight (after ensuring Tim could hold down the pug fort, of course).

I landed just in time to make my noon reservation at Althea which is one of Matthew Kenney’s yummy vegan restos. I ordered a pot of green tea, a cheese plate, and delicious French toast topped with strawberries and an amazing city view.

Next I strolled down Michigan Avenue to the American Writer’s Museum followed by a jaunt through the Art Institute of Chicago to visit a few of my favorite Impressionists.

Before heading to the hotel to get ready for the concert, I popped into a shop for a matcha smoothie filled with a host of yummy greens to fuel my evening out.

At the hotel I swapped my wide-legged faux leather pants for a sequins skirt and then took the L train to the United Center. I stood in a long line with fellow “Stylers” (the name for Harry fans) decked out in sequins, boas, hot pink, fruit-themed attire, and cowboy hats. It was a vision!

The show started right on time which I so appreciate and I danced into the wee hours with 23,500 other people (95% female). Although I was in the topmost row closest to the ceiling, I still felt like a kid in a candy store. That Harry is adorable and kept me up way past my bedtime.

After walking 25k steps, my feet (and hips) were so happy to be back to the hotel and, finally, landing in DC the following morning.

Thanks for reading about my whirlwind tour of the Windy City!