a new month and a fresh season = perfect time for reflection. pull out your journal and planner. light a candle. take a moment to check in on the first quarter of 2010. how is it unfolding? are your new year’s intentions becoming a reality? if not, what steps can you take through returning to them or would it feel better to replace them?
monthly reflection as i’m doing below is a great way to stay connected to bigger dreams and to replace ones that no longer feel like the right fit.
may this weekend offer you an opportunity to reflect, play, and bask in inspiration.
april dreams/goals
1. fancy up blog photos (as done above) via picasa.
2. create a few new inspiration folders.
3. plan + host a tranquilista tea at tranquil space.
4. planning + hosting assistance of luna fest for my non-profit. please come!
5. physical therapy + sacred healing of shoulder = PT job this month
6. MSW final papers + exams prep.
7. lead inspiring, productive retreat with tranquil space management team.
8. crystalize plans for etsy store.
9. finalize new tranquil space website and began revamp of TranquiliT website.
10. continue reflection and implement of principles in the not so big life (podcast forthcoming)
11. tea with director at farm sanctuary. learn how to do more for the animals.
12. spring cleaning chez moi next saturday with pal. au revoir clutter, bonjour space.
13. spend time in nature: bask in sunshine and soak up vitamin d.
14. stablize morning ritual: green tea, ezekiel toast, journal, daily yin yoga + meditation practice, then e-mail.
15. choose a third necklace from art and clasp’s etsy store to add to my collection (see photo above). gorgeous and *love* supporting indie when possible.
march dreams/goals
1. daily live videos via ustream during west coast tour. tune in here. [DID SO AT THE BEGINNING AND THEN BEGAN POSTING TV INTERVIEWS INSTAD]
2. ongoing tweets during west coast tour. follow here (#tranquilistatour). [DONE]
3. informative + inspirational tv interviews in san diego, san francisco, sacramento, portland, vancouver over next few days. [THIS WAS MY INTENTION]
4. informative + inspirational events in LA, portland, seattle, vancouver. [THIS WAS MY INTENTION AND I LOVED THE LADIES I MET – SO INSPIRING]
5. fun, inspiring tranquilology teleclass: 8 new petals for spring. [HOPE SO AND THANK YOU FOR JOINING IN]
6. ship out tranquility toolkits to oh-so-talented creativity circle graduates. [DONE AND THE GOODIES WERE YUMMY. BIG CONGRATS AGAIN TO GRADS.]
7. launch *new* tranquilista ecourse. [DONE AND THESE LADIES ARE INSPIRING!]
8. finalize placement for fall 2010/spring 2011 MSW internship. [DONE, I’LL BE AT N STREET VILLAGE 2 DAYS A WEEK FOR TWO SEMESTERS. SO EXCITED!]
9. successful shoulder surgery on thursday, march 25. boo. [DONE AND SLOWLY HEALING]
10. bask in “realizing your true nature” all-day workshop with tara brach on march 20. [DONE. LOVED THIS. SHE IS AN AMAZING TEACHER]
11. flair-filled booksigning at breathe books in baltimore. [DONE, SUCH FUN]
12. start each day with 10-minutes of meditation. [OMG, THIS IS AN ONGOING GOAL. UGH!]
13. launch ballet-inspired spring TranquiliT collection: special dc event on march 21. [DONE, LOVE IT!]
14. share results + implement suggested changes in tranquil space survey (680 responses). [DONE AND POSTED RESPONSE THIS WEEK]
15. surround myself with fresh flowers. [DONE, SEE ABOVE]
16. daily yin yoga. [DONE OFTEN, NOT DAILY DUE TO SURGERY]
17. continue to phase out time-wasters: immediate response to emails, try (again) for email checking, facebook checking, twitter checking limited to a few times/day. [WORK IN PROGRESS. DEFINITELY GETTING BETTER.]
18. answer up to 3 questions each day on formspring to serve up inspiration + ideas. [DONE MOST DAYS. THANKS FOR THE QUESTIONS!]
19. don flower pins, pearls, feathers, and sparkles to accentuate favored noir look. [DONE!]
20. prep for tranquil space foundation’s exciting luna fest event. [DOING MORE THIS WEEK]
21. daily green smoothie sipping. for ideas on how to make yours, click here. [DONE MOST DAYS PLUS INFUSED GREEN INTAKE WITH WHEATGRASS SHOTS!]