artist dates

love notes
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photo from recent artist date featuring hope of paper relics‘ beautiful work
bonjour and welcome to wednesday. 
my journey to kripalu last weekend was replenishing. from my train ride to and from, to my own tiny room overlooking the winter wonderland, to my 12 hours of workshop with sarah susanka, to my two delightful spa treatments, to the oodles of oh-so-yummy food. the beauty of it all is that i brought in 2000 at kripalu and i closed out this decade there, too. perfect bookends. full report forthcoming including fave takeaways for you, too, to play with!
the above photos feature images of hope’s art journal during a recent artist date chez moi. it’s funny how simple things such as paint chips can be turned into a work of art. truly inspiring what a marker and a few images can transform into, eh? i carried my 5lb art journal up to kripalu and did a lot of work in it over the weekend. again, a bookend for the year as i started it in january on retreat with lisa sonora beam. such a perfect start to 2010. my art journal has become a beloved companion.
over the weekend i edited my facebook profile, twitter profile, and email signature to include the word “artist.” sure i’m no michelangelo, but i’m in love with creating. so, i’ve determined that makes me an artist. sound reasonable? i’ll bet you, too, are an artist!
during my e-course, the tranquility project, a participant recently asked for an explanation of an artist date. i realized that i throw the term around and don’t do a good job of elaborating so here goes: 
Q: what is an artist date?

A: a weekly, solo adventure to reconnect with your creative spirit. above are magazines j’adore browsing and 2 images from a recent artist date (complete with louis the pug). my favorite ways to indulge in an artist date include bookstore browsing, art journaling, decorating, shop browsing, soaks in the tub, sipping tea, sitting in a cafe, meditation, visiting museums, browsing art galleries, walking through city streets, taking a workshop or retreat, and matinees. 

can you carve out a moment of tranquility during this season’s hustle and bustle for a joyous connection to your creative spirit? your soul will thank you.