bonjour from the cabin

love notes
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Out here with beau, pug, and two good pals. I’ve just finished a luxurious bath in the cabin’s jacuzzi tub – complete with three packets of Japanese bath milk and salts that my lovely executive assistant gave me yesterday. Unfortunately I wasn’t thinking about my first grade color mixing class and combined colors that turned the water a lovely shade of light brown. Hmmm, I’ll remember that whole color-combo thing next time.

Oddly enough I’m writing this muse from the loo. There is a print in here that I just had to copy and share titled “Native American 10 Commandments:”

• The Earth is our Mother, care for her.
• Honor all your relations.
• Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.
• All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.
• Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.
• Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
• Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each new day.
• Speak the truth; but only of the good in others.
• Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun.
• Enjoy life’s journey, but leave no tracks.

Isn’t that soooo gorgeous? Gives me chills and well worth copying in the loo.

BIG apologies as I didn’t get a podcast out last week. Second week in almost two years that we’ve missed since the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast began. I had the best of intentions but preparing to get away for this week of rejuvenating took a bit longer than anticipated.

To top it off, I was on calls the whole ride out yesterday and this morning began with a podcast interview with the lovely Ladies Who Launch co-founders. I also had a 45-minute call with the publicist at my new publishing house. No more calls during my “vacation.” Promise. I have to laugh though because this cabin doesn’t get good cell reception so I had to drive up the road, pull over with my laptop, cell phone and headset in hand to take these calls. Spent the rest of the day doing yoga on our deck, beading – 2 fab new necklaces – napping, eating phenom soy dogs and steamed broccoli, and reading. Yum.

I must confess that when my pals arrived yesterday I asked what our cabin goals were and wrote them down so that we would stay mindful of them throughout the week. Who writes vacation/cabin goals? Somehow it felt right but I think all others find me a bit . . . odd. Nothing wrong with being different, eh? Here is a taste of the group’s cabin goals:

• galavant in the towns of Front Royal and Luray
• write business plans
• take pug to local pet spa for some grooming/play time
• journaling
• beading
• collaging
• winery exploration and wine sipping
• finish numerous half-read books
• design spring 08 TranquiliT line
• cooking
• eating
• tubing
• redo website
• relax!

Ok, gotta get back to vacationing. Sending you all good retreating vibes. Take a moment to create your own home retreat even if you aren’t away this week. Here are a few ideas:

• soak in your tub with some yummy essential oils
• take a throw, good book, and bottle of sparkling h2o to your local park
• get a pedi
• take your yoga mat to an outside setting for your sun salutes
• cook an uber-healthy meal
• pack a yummy lunch and eat it leisurely under a tree outside
• pull out your favorite crafty endeavor