
love notes
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i’m gleefully gearing up for hip tranquil chick’s third online creativity circle that launches monday, september 8. we’ve added another podcast to ease the burden of reading so much in a condensed time. the journey of creativity begins with small steps and having the support and accountability of others around the globe can be quite rewarding.

here’s some feedback i’ve received from previous online participants:

“Just wanted to send you a quick thank you for facilitating this- one of the greatest things I learned from this is that, while it definitely helps to have the encouragement of a group, ultimately, my journey is just that, MY JOURNEY, and I need to do it myself, without waiting for anyone else to check up on me (one of those lessons that I should have learned in college, but I guess I forgot :)”

“I just wanted to say thank you so much for the tranquility tool kit! I especially adore the leopard print scarf! Oh my god it is so chic! The kit was a great surprise (got a little bashed in the post to the UK though but it made it in one piece!) I’m intrigued by the tea, I’ve never seen that before. The little bags are adorable and the CD will come in so useful as your 100 and old podcasts are currently taking up a lot of disk space on my computer lol! I am thinking of signing up to your next creativity circle.. hehe, and do it all again :D”

“I wanted to thank you tremendously for the Creativity Circle. It was truly amazing, and worth every cent. You are such a gifted mentor, and this class and my classmates, came at a time when I really needed to reconnect with like-minded women.”

the exploration of doing things differently to add some spice into your life is one of my favorite quick and easy ways to add more creativity. please enjoy this piece from the examiner as a reminder on all the small steps we can take everyday to shine!