last night was a celebration of tranquil space’s sixth year. considering 80% of businesses fail within three-five years, i feel so honored to have birthed tranquil space and raised it beyond infancy. i use these terms because building a business truly is like having a baby – sans the physical pain. i think about it 24/7; take it with me on vacations; eat, sleep and breathe it; and protect it as only a mother would.
i included this photo of me in a forearm stand from last night’s yoga demo as a symbol of my growth both on and off the yoga mat. when i began yoga, tree pose was SO challenging. i thought, “how in the world do they expect me to stand on one foot and place the other at my ANKLE?” yet, with more and more practice, i began to grow on the yoga mat and my practice reflected the effort put forth. i worked on forearm stand for one whole year before i was able to support myself with confidence. i raise this as a reminder of the importance of constantly moving forward. i once read that if you are in the same spiritual place as you were yesterday, you have fallen. that really hit home on the importance of seeking opportunities, challenging myself, innovating, and moving beyond the comfort zone. as a type A gal, that isn’t my biggest problem. instead, i have to be reminded to slow down, take more breaths, linger in bed longer (as i’m doing now while writing), sip more herbal tea, and practice yin or restorative yoga. it’s all about balance, isn’t it? ahhh, the “b” word!
i dedicate my practice today to my readers, my students at tranquil space (long-timers from my living room and newbies who are just beginning at the studio), and to all of you along the way who i have been lucky enough to meet. the journey has been long, bumpy, challenging, exhausting, exhilirating, and rewarding all at the same time. remember that planting small seeds can lead to incredible growth and that is my encouragement to you – both on and off the yoga mat! happy birthday tranquil space.