intentions for the week

love notes
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as i sit at my dining room table/home office with piles of paperwork, my planner pad, smartwater, and thank yous to write nearby, i’m struggling with the importance of setting an intention for how this week will unfold. beau, pug, and moi leave for a few days with BFF and her beau in a cabin in WV. we’ll be gone five days and are all in need of some serious r and r. i plan to nap, read, and write in my journal as much as possible. going at full speed the past 9 years (when tranquil space began) plus a serious ramp-up over the past month (with the move), i’m so in need of some veg time. it will be hard to disconnect but beau tells me there is no wireless internet (gasp!) in the cabin. but he promises me a river in the back – well, that’s something but what about my e-mail!

my home is a complete mess due to lack of care lately. dishes piled up, laundry that needs to be put away, feline and canine hair is everywhere, and there are numerous boxes filled with random items from the move. however, i still have my fresh orchids strewn about in vases, lilac candles and incense burning, and an abundance of fresh fruit to nourish my insides. sometimes we just can’t get to the basics (like a pet fur-free home) but we have to add the flourishes where we can.

i broke up with my looseleaf planner pad and bought a new spiral one starting in july. so a fun project for the cabin will be transporting over all the data for the last 6 months of the year and getting reorganized with my new, fresh planner. i found the looseleaf one in a notebook too cumbersome so i took it out and was carrying it naked with a spiral ring in the top hook. all the pages kept tearing off so i looked like a menace trying to find the right day among random torn pages. not pretty.

as i gear up for the week, i look forward to regrouping on some projects, awaiting word from my former publisher on an updated proposal, gearing up for some serious napping, and reconnecting to my core. during time away i often plan tons of projects and stay busy going through magazines, creating collages, or making jewelry, this time i hope to force myself to do some letting go of doing and to practice being. i love reminding students of this during yoga class but i have a hard time embodying it. think i’m hard wired to be in overdrive. this week i intend to be in overdrive until i hit the cabin on thursday, then i plan to downshift tremendously and watch what comes up.