NEW TranquiliT Showroom

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today is a monumental occasion – sure, a little dramatic – but i became the proud renter of a small space in this gorgeous building (last two photos – our windows are in the bottom behind the skypencil holly) to house TranquiliT eco-luxe lifestyle wear. my fabulous assistant and i spent the afternoon creating a list of what we needed for it and preparing a plan of action. we’re both a bit giggly about the whole thing. we found toile-covered mannequins, damask ottomans, rolling racks, and black velvet hangers to order. i plan to use this space for housing the line, designing the line, showing the line to clients interested in a personalized shopping excursion for their store or themselves, and offering crafting classes such as beading, knitting, and more! a true destination for creativity immersion!

TranquiliT began in 2002 out of a desire for fun, chic yoga wear. i transitioned to eco-fabrics in 2005 and have loved the creative evolution of the line. it’s been housed at tranquil space, a back closet of another location that housed young designers, my dining room (see photos and note louis the pug and matisse the cat’s appearance), and now its very own home. it brings me back to the scary days when i moved the yoga studio from my living room to a rented location in a church parlor. it’s an exciting, liberating, and risky step.

TranquiliT has such potential and i’m delighted to watch its upcoming evolution. we’ll be having a BIG summer sale and open house mid-august so stay tuned for the scoop on checking out our new TranquiliT home! thanks for your support of this exciting creative adventure!