Penning in Paris 2016 {reg opens next week}

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Ooh la la, registration opens *next week* and I want YOU to be the first to know about Penning in Paris 2016: A Writer’s Retreat.

Let me know you’re interested by simply sending an email that says “oui and:

  • I’ll reveal next year’s dates to you 48 hours before the rest of the world.
  • You’ll have first opportunity to join me in the City of Light next year.

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Let’s Pen in Paris

Picture yourself writing in sidewalk cafés where Hemingway and de Beauvoir wrote, sharing your literary dreams, and deepening your commitment to a writing project . . . in Paris.

During this five-day retreat you’ll learn writing tools, tips to find your voice, how to create powerful openings, ways to structure your prose, the path to publication, and more.

The adventure includes yoga and writing in Luxembourg Garden, a luxurious afternoon tea at Ladurée, jaunts to English bookstores, a cruise on the Seine, meditation in the Paris’ oldest church, and time in the Tuileries.


Here’s what former participants are saying:

A unique retreat, I can’t think of any other teacher/host or set up like this, and I’ve been on plenty of retreats – pleasure, creativity, camaraderie and spirituality without over-worthiness or guilt. And everyone came back thoroughly inspired and nourished. What other retreat takes place in a way so deeply immersed in – rather than escaping from – the beauties of the world? While eating rose flavoured sorbet? While meditating in the oldest church in Paris, or drinking champagne with like minded ladies? I loved it.

I highly recommend Penning in Paris. It was a lovely experience in a beautiful city. Kimberly is the perfect host. She helped me find the inspiration, direction, and motivation to become a better writer. I appreciated her guidance on finding my voice. It was great to write and share with a group of supportive, like-minded women. I now have the courage to start my own blog. I would do this retreat again!

Anyone who is at all interested in the Paris retreat should honor their heart and inner writer by signing up. Kimberly sets the stage for a life changing experience on so many levels. I can’t recommend it enough!

This retreat had the perfect balance of structured time and free time. It was fun as well as productive and inspirational. The workshops were instrumental in helping me break through some personal barriers, leaving me with lots of new writing tools and focused goals that will be useful for a long time to come. The new friends I’ve made as a result of this experience are priceless!
